Energetics of indoor flowers

  Energetics of indoor flowers

Potted flowers are loved by almost everyone, especially when it comes to women. Many do not represent their own apartment without violets or asparagus, without cacti or ficus. However, we often hear that certain plants are not friends at all, but enemies.
For example, cacti provoke quarrels between households that ivy and look out of the husband's house, and monster and cypress in general at night suck energy out of people. Are pests and vampires really lurking on our windowsills?
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In fact, plants-pests are only in the garden: that's where it is really important to weed out a dandelion in time for the turnip to grow big and healthy. But this does not mean that the dandelion itself is bad. On the contrary: at certain moments he gives us real happiness. Remember that you feel in the spring, looking at the cheerful little yellow "suns on legs"! All of our homemade green pets behave in the same way: each of them is ready to come to the rescue - it’s only important to know when and in what situation to turn to him.

Cactus. These prickly plants have a very peculiar "energy behavior": they accumulate energy from the surrounding space (including from people nearby), and then release energy impulses from the tips of the needles. A sheaf of energy sparks is literally pouring out of a cactus - and an aggressive person, if staying in the same room with cacti for a long time, becomes even more irritable. But Tikhon is very useful to sit among the cacti - it will give them vitality, inspire them to feats, help them to believe in themselves. And another thing: according to Feng Shui, these plants should be kept in the Fire zone (in the south and south-west of an apartment or room) - then money and success are guaranteed for you.
  Energetics of indoor flowers
Ivy. About these indoor plants is notoriety: it is believed that they are harmful to family life, - they say, in the house where they are held, the husband will start to drink and walk, or even go away in an unknown direction. Is it true? Not really. The energy of these plants is, indeed, rather cool, so that if family relationships are not too hot, ivy can provoke discord. But, if the passions are hot, the emotions are boiling, then ivy will not be a loveless person, but the keeper of the hearth!

Monstera. This is another "scarecrow involuntarily." Even in the name reflects the fear that inspires a man these vines with their huge leaves and aerial roots that intricately intertwines: after all, the "monster" comes from the word "monster". They say that in the house where the monstera was settled, people get sick, especially old and small. Indeed, this plant is a real “energy leech”: it willingly takes energy from a person, but - above all - negative! If you are sick, irritated, you are overwhelmed with unkind feelings - sit for half an hour next to the monster, she will make you a healing "bloodletting".

Philodendron is also called defender. Their straight and beautiful leaves are a constant source of upward energy flows. They serve as a mini-factory for the production of energy useful for living space.

Palm trees are plants that are not suitable for small spaces. Flows of "cutting" energy, as it were, flow down from their leaves, so it is worth keeping away from them. At the same time, they are indispensable in order to destroy any energy anomaly in the room.


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