Houseplants for a good mood

  Houseplants for a good mood

Indoor plants in the office, office or in the house - this is more than a banal interior decoration, as they are able to filter harmful substances in the air, produce oxygen, increase the humidity of the air, and improve well-being.

Numerous scientific studies have shown that plants have a positive effect on the physiological and emotional state of a person. Even if some advertising information about plants is excessively embellished, the influence of plants on the indoor microclimate is undeniable. One of the most important positive factors is the ability of plants to moisten the air in the winter, as each plant evaporates up to about 90% of the water with which it is watered. The larger the plant, or the more plants in the room, the more moisture will be released into the air.

OÖN, a daily newspaper in Upper Austria, published recommended indoor plants that affect well-being and create mood throughout the year:

“Mental Balance” in January: Epipremnum (Epipremnum) is a very easy-to-grow plant that perfectly moisturizes the air and reduces the content of such harmful substances as carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde. Thanks to these properties, epipremnum is perfect for gardening offices. Like all plants that create a good mood, our green "soul calm" has a direct impact on the people around him. The plant emits whole garlands of oscillations with the vortex flows to the right and to the left, the energy of which harmonizes both hemispheres of the brain. Especially people who are emotionally impressionable and easily excitable, become more calm and balanced.

  Houseplants for a good mood

Care for epipremnum is very simple. With regular pruning, the bush grows more intensively and becomes more luxuriant. The main thing that the plant received enough sunlight, otherwise the leaves lose their diversity.

  Houseplants for a good mood

In February, Chlorophytum charges energy . This is one of the most amazing indoor plants. Chlorophytum is easy to care for, adapts to any living conditions, moisturizes and cleans the air, releases oxygen and gives people a burst of energy. It is unlikely that there will be another such outstanding indoor plant with the same versatile properties.

  Houseplants for a good mood

If you are looking for a housewarming gift, chlorophytum is what you need. Several pots with this plant per day eliminate practically all bacteria, therefore chlorophytum is especially recommended for new buildings. He charges a good mood, gives strength and fills with new energy. In addition, green lily, as it is also called chlorophytum, can be grown as an ampelous plant. During flowering a long peduncle with a whisk of small white flowers appears from the bundle of basic leaves. Growing up, the green lily lets out arrows, at the ends of which “babies” appear, which give the plant a sense of dynamics.

  Houseplants for a good mood

In March, brings peace of mind to the brocade (Beaucarnea) . This exotic plant radiates a very strong energy, which in a powerful trunk is directed upwards and like a waterfall goes down through narrow, curved leaves. This grounding energy has a calming effect, primarily on nerve and hyperactive children. Even people burdened with grief can renew their strength.

  Houseplants for a good mood

Like all plants of good mood, the bocarnay is very easy to care and has a beneficial effect not only on people, but also on the indoor climate. The “green sedative” releases oxygen and filters harmful substances in the air through the roots. Thanks to these qualities, the bokarney is an ideal plant for the living room, office or waiting room. It is worth noting that the plant is able to accumulate water in the trunk, so it can tolerate long periods of drought without problems. Too thin stem indicates that the plant receives excessive watering or it lacks sunlight.

  Houseplants for a good mood

In April, bears a positive ficus (Ficus). All species of ficus actively release oxygen and are able to absorb up to five harmful substances at the same time. Therefore, the plant is well placed in office space, near the printer and copier. "Green positivchik" affects people in the room. His energy gives decisiveness and dedication to passive and introverted people, helps to solve problems. The plant helps to clean the room of negative energy.

However, caution should be exercised with respect to small children and pets: the energy fluctuations of ficus are not harmonious enough. Ficus should always be in the same place. At the slightest change in location after a few days, the plants respond with leaf fall.

  Houseplants for a good mood

The talisman of the month of May is considered to be a sweety, or money tree (Crassula). This plant has a diverse environmental impact. The fat woman is best placed in the office or in the kitchen, as it absorbs ammonia and reduces the electromagnetic waves emanating from the monitors. It also has a positive effect on microwaves. The fat woman improves the mood of people and helps to loosen up closed people. In the east, this plant is considered a symbol of wealth and a talisman that brings good luck. According to the Chinese theory of Feng Shui, the money tree belongs to potted plants with good energy and therefore should be placed in the wealth zone (this is the upper left corner of the apartment or desk), due to this the financial condition will improve. A flowering plant causes an upturn in finance.

The fleshy leaves of the bladder are covered with a thick layer of cuticle. Therefore, the plant does not evaporate moisture into the air and tolerates strong sunlight and long periods of drought.

  Houseplants for a good mood

The Fulcrum in June: Monstera is ideal for public spaces and conference rooms. It promotes calmness and improves communication functions in the group, has a harmonizing effect and helps to overcome fear. Large leaves of Monstera moisturize and purify the air, reduce the content of formaldehyde and ammonia.

Growing and caring for a monster does not require much effort. She loves a warm shower and regular spraying.

  Houseplants for a good mood

The “life-giving force” in July is Dracaena. There are several varieties of this plant: with thin and narrow leaves, variegated, monophonic, with red, yellow or white stripes. However, all these varieties have one thing in common - they all have a positive effect on the microclimate of the room, on people and animals. This “green zinger” has a harmonious, lively and balancing effect on people and animals. Therefore, it is recommended to stir in residential and business premises. Dracaena perfectly cleans the air and absorbs a large amount of harmful substances. All types of dracen are easy to maintain and can be successfully grown as a hydro-culture. They accumulate water well, which allows it to tolerate the absence of moisture in the soil for a long time.

  Houseplants for a good mood

In August, the "immortal": sansevieria. A fighter among indoor plants has a positive impact on our environment. Lanceolate, growing up leaves fill the space with life and energy. Thanks to its growth, sansevieria stimulates people to take decisive actions and achieve their emotional and ideological goals. This indoor plant increases efficiency and has a beneficial effect on our emotions, so it is well suited for placement in all rooms. In addition, it releases oxygen. The history of cultivation of Sansevieria, which is considered an ideal plant for beginners, has more than 200 years. It is easy to care for, grows almost everywhere and tolerates drought well.

  Houseplants for a good mood

In September, the “plant that makes us stronger”: ivy (Hedera). This plant easily adapts to any indoor conditions, a positive effect on the health of the people around him, therefore, suitable for any room. Ivy is able to remove 80-90% of benzene from the air in a day and absorb a large amount of harmful substances. It has a beneficial effect on people who are close by, unconsciously strengthening self-confidence and arousing curiosity. This wonderful houseplant a few years later you can plant a garden. As a groundcover, it is well suited for landscaping a wall.

  Houseplants for a good mood

Schefflera (Schefflera) is considered to be a mood-raising plant in October. This wonderful indoor plant is great for decorating the interior of public buildings, for example, large offices, as it strengthens the positive energy, radiates a good mood. Scheffler is growing very fast and does not require special care. Flower growers are attracted by its brilliant leathery leaves, which moisturize the air well and enrich it with oxygen.

Schefflera is characterized by rapid growth and endurance. With regular haircuts, you can give it a curvaceous and compact shape.

  Houseplants for a good mood

In November, “Green Laskunchik” can be called sparmania. This elegant plant, which is also called the “room linden,” has become increasingly popular in recent years and, thanks to its decorative heart-shaped velvety leaves, is an excellent decoration for the interior of any home. Like most plants, sparmania not only brings a visual effect to interior design, but also has a positive effect on people's mental and physical well-being.

  Houseplants for a good mood

Room sticky moisturizes the air well, helps to express feelings better and has a harmonious effect. She not only improves mood, but also activates the ability to love and strengthens the feminine energy. It is an ideal plant for all rooms where we communicate.

  Houseplants for a good mood

"Harmony" in December: spathiphyllum is a very attractive room plant, which pleases us with long and lush flowering. Flower growers appreciate its ability to break down chemical pollutants and purify the air. The white flowers of the spathiphyllum, like their energy, are arrow-shaped and directed upwards. Its ornamental leaves harmonize the emotional setting.

  Houseplants for a good mood

The plant has the ability to normalize all the strong energy fluctuations, so it is absolutely suitable for all people and to decorate any interior. This is a great gift for a young woman whom he will bring happiness. Spathiphyllum is very easy to maintain, and due to the long flowering and decorative foliage it is able to conquer any person.

  Houseplants for a good mood

Stroking the plant relieves stress

According to research, green plants, like pets, with proper care, have a relaxing effect. Stroking smooth leaves successfully relieves stress. Within two minutes of such a procedure, the owner of the houseplants decreases blood pressure. In the course of one study conducted in Japan, the subjects were supposed to stroke objects with their eyes closed. At the same time, scientists measured brain activity from participants and found that simple touching green plants had a beneficial sedative effect, while artificial plants showed no effect on the psyche.

  Houseplants for a good mood


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