Decorative lighting indoor plants.

  Decorative lighting indoor plants.

  Decorative lighting indoor plants.

Additional artificial lighting can be not only a necessary condition for the maintenance of a houseplant in the autumn-winter period, but also a decorative technique emphasizing the natural beauty of the plant and creating a certain atmosphere.

Different location of the light source in relation to the plant leads to different visual effects:
- The light from a lamp or several lamps located above a plant or group composition is called directional. It serves to, on the one hand, create an impression of the integrity of the composition, and on the other hand, emphasize its individual elements.
- The light from a lamp or several lamps installed at the floor level below the plant is called illuminating. This arrangement of the light source will emphasize the individual details and create a shadow on the wall behind the plant.
- The light from the lamp, located at the floor level behind the plant, is called backlight. He focuses on the silhouette of the plant and creates a mystical and mysterious atmosphere. Usually used for lighting large plants.

For decorative lighting of indoor plants it is better to use a lamp with a point light source or spotlights. The optimal distance from the lamp to the plant can be determined empirically. To do this, you need to install the lamp at some distance from the plant and turn it on, then bring the palm to the leaf nearest to the light source. If you feel the heat, then the lamp is too close to the plant.


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