Gothic art in furniture

  Gothic art in furniture

The appearance of Gothic is connected with a new stage in the development of Western European feudalism, when in the XI century. emerged, and in the XII - XIII centuries. Feudal cities, whose growth has changed the whole face of medieval Europe, have become a great social and political force. It was in the cities that had many skilled craftsmen that the art of Gothic art reached its peak.

The fastest change of style is reflected in architecture (Fig. 1). Although the focus is still on building churches, their character and forms are radically changing. The cumbersome dark, fortress-like Romanesque churches give way to dynamic, vibrant, endlessly diverse Gothic buildings. The characteristic elements of the architectural form: high towers, slender columns, complex forms of arches, openwork ornaments, windows in the form of roses and lancettached arches. The pointed arch is directed upwards like a spear, in its shape there is an eastern influence. Color gets a special role in the Middle Ages. Clothes, houses, statues delight the eye with the brightness of colors and gilding.

In the Gothic style, the complex and multifaceted city life was reflected, and the bold and vivid works of the city craftsmen manifested themselves. But at the same time, the downgrading feudal and ecclesiastical influence clearly manifested itself in her. The Catholic Church had a strong influence on art, seeking to use it to their advantage. Aspiring upwards, towards God, the forms as if tore off earthly, worldly space and called a person to renounce material needs.

  Gothic art in furniture

Fig. 1. Gothic stipp in the architectural and subject environment: a - a fragment of the interior of the temple in Amiens, b - clothes, in - a bed; g - stupa

Medieval cities were built on a small square, they were closely built and surrounded by walls, which provided protection from outside attacks.


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