At the moment on the market you can meet single, terminal and pass through TV outlet. All these products differ not only in name and have a different design and purpose.
Unknowingly, many people use them not quite correctly. Because of what there is discontent with the quality of the TV signal. Therefore, in order not to become a victim of ignorance, let's analyze the types of TV outlets, and also determine why each of them is needed.
Types of TV outlets and schemes of their use
In order to properly understand the features of mounting TV outlets, as well as understand where what kind is used, we should consider not only their design, but also wiring diagrams. After all, for wiring a television signal, depending on its frequency, different wiring schemes are used.
Device of different types of TV outlets
We start with the differences that TV outlets have. This difference is due to the different applications that we will discuss below.
Let's start with the most simple single TV outlets. This outlet is simply a contact connection that allows you to connect the antenna cable of the TV to the outlet. According to the instructions of the manufacturers, the level of the signal drop on them does not exceed 1 - 2 dB, which is caused only by the contact resistances of the contact connections.
The end socket in this regard is much more complicated. In addition to directly contact connections, it contains a special circuit that is designed to extinguish the reflected signal.
What is this scheme and why is it needed?
The fact is that any TV not only receives a television signal, but also gives a part to the network. The part that he gives is called the reflected signal. The power of the reflected signal compared to the main is not so high, but in the sum of several TVs - this can cause significant interference.
TV outlet
You can see the reflected signal on another TV as interference or as a superimposed image. And in order to avoid this, a special scheme is applied, which muffles the reflected signal.
As a result, the terminal socket, in addition to losses of 1–2 dB caused by switching resistances, also has losses of 8 to 15 dB caused by the operation of this filter.
Note! GOST28324-89 clearly states that the signal level should be 57 - 83 dB. Increasing and, moreover, reducing the signal power leads to noise and image quality. As a result, we find that even one terminal outlet significantly reduces the signal level.
But the device is an outlet is even more difficult . In addition to direct contact connection and filter, it has another contact connection for connecting other TV outlets. As a result, the drop in the signal on such an outlet can reach up to 15 - 20 dB.
TV outlets connection diagrams
So why do you need a TV checkpoint socket, if it reduces the quality of the signal? The point here is in the TV outlets connection diagrams. For each and these schemes uses its own type of outlets. Therefore, let's analyze this issue in more detail.
The photo shows the scheme "star"
Let's begin our analysis with the so-called "star" scheme. The essence of this scheme is as follows. The power cable of the television signal comes to the multiplier or as it is also called the splitter.
The splitter divides the television signal into several channels of the same power. The number of channels depends on the type of device. There are splitters for two, three and a larger number of outputs.
In the splitter there is the same scheme of damping the reflected signal. Therefore, it is not necessary to use sockets for it with additional signal damping.
Based on this, the signal from the splitter is fed via a TV cable to single TV outlets. The use of a different type of sockets is not advisable since there will be a double damping of the reflected signal, which will lead to a deterioration in image quality.
Note! To connect digital and satellite television can only be used the scheme "star". The use of other schemes will lead to a significant drop in the signal level, or even not working at all.
The second option is the so-called feedthrough . Because of her, the TV outlet is passed and got its name. The essence of this scheme is as follows. The input signal is connected to the first outlet, the second is powered from it, and so on.
Pass-through TV connection outlets
At the end of this scheme, an end socket must be installed. As we already found out, it differs from the checkpoint only in the presence of only one entrance. And its filter copes well with the reflected signal.
The main disadvantage of this method of connection is the gradual deterioration of the signal at each subsequent outlet. At the same time, the sale price of such a scheme is much lower due to the lack of the need to purchase an slitter.
The so-called mixed scheme is also successfully applied. Its essence comes down to connecting part of the sockets according to the “star” scheme, and parts according to the through-pass scheme. This allows you to save with a significant removal of sockets from the splitter.
Installation of sockets through passage
Knowing in what cases the plug socket can be used, you can proceed to the question of its connection. Make it quite possible with their own hands and it does not require special tools or skills.
First of all, we install a mortgage box to install the outlet. For TV outlets use the same mortgage, as for power outlets and switches. For this we need to make a hole in the wall of the appropriate diameter. This can be done using a perforator and a corresponding nozzle.
After this set the mortgage box. It can be fixed with screws, or you can simply put on plaster putty.
Now you need to lay the TV cable to the outlet and from it to the next outlet. Usually, the cable is hidden from prying eyes, so you can not do without shtenbing the walls (see. We perform shredding of walls under the wiring with your own hands). Otherwise, the cable is mounted in a special plastic box on the wall.
Cutting and connecting the cable to the TV outlet
Note! It is forbidden to mount a TV cable together with power cables. After all, damage to the power wiring can lead to high voltage on the TV cable. This in turn will break all the TVs. In addition, the power cable may cause interference.
Now go directly to the connection. First of all we clean both connected cables. How to do this correctly you can see on our video.
Then we connect the incoming cable. The appropriate place to connect to the outlet can be indicated by arrows or numbers. To do this, unscrew the fastening screws of the central core and braid and start the cable. Before clamping the cable, make sure that the braid and the core are not in contact with each other.
After that, by analogy, we connect the cable that supplies the next outlet. Here it is important not to confuse the suitable and outgoing cable. Otherwise, everything is exactly the same. We control that the braid and the central conductor do not touch, and also that the cables do not touch each other.
After that, the cable reserve is laid in the embedded box and our TV outlet is fixed. After that go to the connection of the next outlet.
Connecting TV outlets with self-tightening contacts
Not to mention that many manufacturers are trying to facilitate and speed up the installation process uses a variety of spring clips or hinged locks. The installation process of this is practically unchanged. The only thing you do not need to use a screwdriver.
As you can see, the installation process of a pass-through, terminal or single TV outlet is not that complicated. In this matter, the most important thing is to choose the outlet itself, as well as the wiring diagram. But we hope that our article has helped you in this matter and now you will have no difficulty choosing and connecting exactly the TV outlet that fits your circuit.
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