Rules for the care of indoor plants

  Rules for the care of indoor plants

In the cultivation of indoor plants there is a rule - it is easier to prevent than to correct. Mistakes happen to everyone - both professional flower growers and beginners. Sometimes it is generally impossible to determine from what the plant suffers, but there are conditions that must be met, but not all take them seriously.
  Rules for the care of indoor plants
Therefore, I would like to give such advice:

- If you purchased a plant, try to learn more about it, what kind of temperature, humidity, watering, etc. it needs. Of course, it is better to learn about it beforehand, before buying a plant, but, unfortunately, we often acquire a plant, succumbing to temptation, enchanted by its beauty and little that we know about it. "

- If you have several or many plants, even an inveterate florist sometimes forgets which plant you need. Therefore, you can make cards or have a small notebook where you can select a page for each plant you have. There you can write briefly when to replant it, how to water it, when to fertilize, that is, the information that is important, but often forgotten.

- Try to ensure the plant a permanent place in the house, as most plants do not like to be moved from place to place.
  Rules for the care of indoor plants
- Almost all plants require irrigation with well-separated, soft water. If there are many plants, you can prepare a bucket, where water will be settled during a day or two. If not a lot of plants, you can use plastic bottles from under lemonade, which do not close the lid, giving chlorine to disappear from the water. There are some plants that do not tolerate irrigation with hard water at all, they are not only sick, but can also die.

- If you are going to transplant a plant, it is better to use the purchased soil mixture for a particular plant. The composition of soil mixes for each plant is given in various literature, but not everyone can or knows where to buy sod or peat land. In this case, for most plants, you can use the usual garden or greenhouse soil, to which is added well-washed river sand. Before using the land, it is desirable to disinfect - it is good to shed a weak solution of potassium permanganate (this will also help remove earthworms).

- The main reason,   Rules for the care of indoor plants according to which the plants suffer in the apartments - central heating. Since the batteries are located near the window, placing the plants away from the batteries is not possible. Try to moisten the air around the plants in winter.

- Fresh air is almost a prerequisite for good plant development. Cacti, for example, can not bloom just because they lack fresh air. But, none of the plants tolerate cold drafts.


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