Future projects

  Future projects

“Infinity tower” - the project of the near future, the “invisible tower” of South Korea, which has been under construction since 2013. The entire surface of the skyscraper will be covered with LED monitors, depicting the surrounding of the tower and thereby dissolving it in the air. The technology is not new, but it is used for the first time on a building of this size.

  Future projects

  Future projects

The flying city “Ninth Heaven” is practically a classic proposed by the American architect Richard Fuller in the middle of the 20th century. Geodetic spheres of kilometer length, levitating with the help of heated air, were used as the basis. The project Fuller never tried to bring to life, but he served as an inspiration for many fiction writers.

Zvukoskreb is an invention of a group of French architects of 2013. This incredible tower, covered with sound-absorbing material, is designed to “absorb” the city noise and convert it into energy. Thus, you can kill two birds with one stone - excessive noise pollution and energy problems of large cities.   Future projects

“Migrating skyscrapers” is a project of Polish architects of 2012 at the annual “skyscraper contest” of eVolo magazine. According to the author's plan, skyscrapers are placed in a giant tire, inside of which there are also green plantings for the production of biofuels. Such houses are intended primarily for unstable regions in order to take people to a safe place in the event of war.

  Future projects

  Future projects

Hydrogenase air farms are the next step in agriculture after vertical farms. From the ground they will look like huge green airships set on its side. 30% of their production is algae for processing carbon into hydrogen and self-fueling. In the ocean, it is planned to launch similar marine farms, which, if necessary, are easy to adhere to the air.

  Future projects

The tower, absorbing and storing carbon dioxide, was presented by Canadian architects in 2014. The amazing structure not only cleans the atmosphere of the planet, but also gradually grows, changing shape depending on its environment.

  Future projects

A live iceberg is an unusual solution for the study of Antarctica. Instead of building a base on the surface of the continent, it is planned to place it inside a huge iceberg serving as protection from the icy wind. Such a base will not cause the slightest harm to the environment and can exist from 7 to 10 years. Then the iceberg will melt and the process will start over.


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Architectural design