Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

Vintage and retro - the words that are increasingly heard. And indeed, fashion is cyclical, and these trends again and again find their embodiment in interior design.

Both of these styles are a reflection of the past, so they are often confused. However, the similarities end there, the differences begin.

Historical era Vintage style was born at the beginning of the last century, we can say that it represents a pre-war era. It is very close to the classics, because it was formed as its continuation.

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

Retro has become a kind of protest of the same and dullness in the early 50s of the last century. People sought to deliberately bright and positive, to erase from memory the horrors of war. At the same time, such architectural styles as Art Nouveau and Art Deco developed, which rose on the same wavelength as retro.

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

The color scheme of vintage is to calm colors, pastel and gray shades. There are also bright interpretations of vintage, but even in them the colors look muffled, as if dusty. In decoration and textiles used delicate floral motifs with birds or not contrasting peas and stripes.

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

Retro, on the contrary, can hardly be called faded. Even if the basis of decoration and furniture is chosen in reserved colors, there are necessarily bright accents and complex geometric patterns that confuse the eye. Even more often, even pieces of furniture are chosen in contrasting colors and different shades of wood to make it look more fun.

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

Materials and furniture Vintage welcomes the use of elegant antique furniture and natural materials in the decoration: if they began their lives in the times of our great-grandmothers, the more valuable. Skillful styling is possible in which parquet, doors and furniture undergo aging procedures. Actively used natural wood and forged metal. On the ceiling and decorative elements can be found stucco.

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

Retro style first began to use plastic in the interior, so here it will be appropriate. Wooden elements can also be made of chipboard, the main feature is polishing and varnished surface. The furniture should have the characteristic for the 50-70s simple and clear outlines and stand on high wooden or metal legs, but can be made quite recently.

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

Décor Here again, some styles are found in common: both vintage and retro stand for uniqueness in the decor. In the vintage of decorative items a lot, each must have its own history. Ideally, such decorations are collected one by one at flea markets: dishes, statues, jewelry boxes, and so on. A separate role in the vintage interior plays the image of a birdcage and old suitcases.

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

Retro décor strongly echoes the pop-up style: bright posters and stylized comics. Important will be textiles, represented by a set of bright rugs and bedspreads, crystal, colored glass and retro technology.

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

Of course, the historical transition from vintage to retro did not happen in one minute. In the beginning, interiors with elements of both styles were possible: for example, softer paints and floral motifs in interiors with retro technology and a combination of old and new furniture. It is such examples in which it is difficult to draw a line, and contribute to the confusion of vintage and retro.

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?

  Retro and vintage: what is the difference?



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Interior and exterior design