Vertical color arrangements

  Vertical color arrangements

Depending on the location, group composition is intended for one-sided (standing at the window or against the wall) or circular view (placed, for example, between two columns). There are not only horizontal, but also vertical groups - they are formed using multilevel supports. Vertical compositions are sometimes even separated into a separate group. They are very convenient for small-sized apartments, where saving every meter of space is important, and they can also serve as a real partition, separating the room into several zones.

  Vertical color arrangements There are several options for creating vertical compositions. The first is the use of the already mentioned multilevel pedestal, on which a variety of plants are located: erect, with lodging or hanging down shoots, ground cover. The second option - placing at different heights of several wall pots. And finally, the third is the usual flower girl, in which climbers are planted and supports with transverse slats (for example, bamboo stalks) or arcs are placed. Gradually braiding these supports, vines form a green screen. The flower girl can be placed right next to the window and populated with light-loving asparagus, ever-flowering begonia, setreisia purple, passionflower and hoya. If you decide to make a green screen out of it in the depths of the room, then it is recommended to use ivy, green netting, tradescantia, climbing rubber plants, clinging philodendron, cissus.


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