

Latin name: Yussa
Family: Agave - Agavaceae
Homeland: North and Central America
Growing up: For a beginner
Lighting: Bright light
Humidity: Moderate



Yucca is a treelike perennial plant of the Agave family, originally from the humid subtropics of North America. The genus includes about 40 species. Evergreen, woody plants with a low, low-branching or not branching stem, sometimes the stem is almost absent and only a bundle of large, xiphoidal leaves rises above the ground. The leaves are arranged spirally. The inflorescences are very large, up to 200 cm long, upright, shirokoraskidistye panicles, emerging from the middle of the leaf outlet. The flowers are bell-shaped, up to 7 cm long, drooping, white. The fruit is a large, up to 10 cm, dry or fleshy box with rounded, black seeds up to 1 cm in diameter.

The giant Yucca (Yucca brevifolia) of the southwestern deserts of the United States is typical of this group of evergreen, often ornamental hard-leaved agave. The largest now felled Giant Yucca, which grew in Antelope Valley in California, reached a height of 20 m, and its trunk diameter exceeded 110 cm. However, it is not bred in gardens, as there are many other varieties that require much less trouble . There are tree Yucca - the most famous of them are the Spanish dagger (Yucca treculeana), the Yucca glorious (Yucca gloriosa) and the Yucca southern (Yucca australis). Southern Yucca is a Mexican tree - the only Yucca with pendant inflorescences.

Sometimes yucca is confused with dragon flower due to external similarity. Yucca grows slowly.
It is very durable and does not pose any problems in growing, it is not susceptible to the dry air of the premises, which is especially appreciated by the growers.

Room adult Yucca resembles a false palm tree and can reach a height of 4 m, therefore it is more suitable for decorating a hall or a large room. She needs a deep pot with good drainage. In the summer you can take out to the open air. In winter, kept in a bright, unheated room. Flowering can be achieved only after many years, when the plant becomes an adult. Yucca will bloom with white bell-shaped flowers. Green, bluish sword-shaped, linear leaves are collected in a beam at the top of the trunk.

In the south of Russia, two species and their hybrids are used: Yucca filamentous (Yucca filamentosa) and Yucca gray (Yucca glauca). They are especially convenient for seaside gardens, because they are not afraid of salty splashes and sandstorms. They are overgrown with a thick skin, they are taught to live under the scorching sun almost completely without water.


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