Architectural graphics and layout

  Architectural graphics and layout

The vivid specificity of landscape architecture in general and its most important branch of landscape art in particular was and remains the use of special natural building materials - vegetation, water, land, including even the features of the topography of the place. It is these materials that are essential when working to create an open space environment. Conventional building materials play an important, but still supporting role. The landscape architect works in a natural environment. In some cases, he solves the problem of using this environment for human needs with the minimum possible intervention in it. At the other extreme is the creation of an “artificial nature,” that is, the formation of a completely new environment of open spaces, arising as a result of architectural creativity. Both trends in their different combinations can be traced throughout the entire history of the development of landscape architecture.

The peculiarity of landscape architecture in comparison with its generally accepted architectural practice is the predominant role of the aesthetic and, if one can say so, ecological and humanistic beginnings. The functional and technical aspects of the formation of the environment, for all their importance, occupy a subordinate place in landscape architecture. This quality led to a widespread understanding of landscape architecture as a type of art, namely, garden and park art.

  Architectural graphics and layout

Seminars: The concept of landscape design. Architectural graphics and layout .

Test questions:

1. What is meant by the term "tablet"?

2. What is meant by the term "green and gray technology"?

3. What are the directions for using the tablet design?

4. As a result, aesthetic, functional and ecological components of the landscape appear?


1. Vergunov A.P., Denisov M.F., Ozhegov S.S. Landscape Design: Textbook. Manual for universities for specials. "Architecture". - M .: Higher., 1991. - p.7

2. Symonds J.O. Landscape and Architecture, abbreviated translation from English by A.I.Manshavina, Building Publishing House, M .: 1965. - p. 193

3. Zaykova, E.Yu. Landscape design (private household) [Text] / summary of recommendations for students of the specialty 250700 "Landscape Architecture" and areas 070601 "Landscape Design" / E.U. Zaykova. - M .: RUDN, 2012. - 77с.

4. V. Nefedov Urban landscape design. - SPb .: Lyubavich, 2012. - 309s.


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Theory of Landscape Architecture