Klausura is considered to be such a type of training exercises, which are equally characteristic of both the features of the design sketch and the features of the exercises that develop students' creative abilities.
In teaching, the klauzur serves primarily for the development of imagination , figurative thinking , fantasy , compositional abilities , and skills of a vivid reflection of creative ideas in graphics and layout.
Starting from the 16th century Clausures are short creative tasks lasting from 2 to 6 hours, which are widespread in architectural, design, art schools.
In American architectural schools, similar exercises are called sharaban.
We have repeatedly come across such a format of work, but there are still questions on the subject of “what should it be?”
- First, figurative.
Klauzura assumes a primary, fresh perception of the topic. The first emotions are the strongest, therefore the first idea of the topic is the most true, figurative, bright. Thus, the clause in educational design poses the main task of figuratively solving the search for a project topic.
- Secondly, informative.
Klauzurny sketch should contain complete information necessary for the development of the image. The structure of the clause may include drawings of the plan, section, facade, but the main place usually receives a perspective drawing or one of the projections, the most clearly revealing the concept or figurative characteristics of structures in the environment.
Any image must be provided with the necessary captions. And this is not only the name (second floor plan, facade, etc.), it is also explications, callouts indicating materials, scales, in short, everything that allows you to get the most complete information about the design object.
- Thirdly, competently filed.
Of course, not every student, and not every experienced designer, has his own style of work, favorite techniques and recognizable manner of presenting materials. But you need to strive for this. And the clause helps to develop your graphic “handwriting” better than any other tasks.
It is only necessary to remember that the performing style should correspond to the theme genre.
When evaluating clauseurs, absolutely everything is taken into account: layout of the sheet, placement of images on the sheet, their scale, etc.
The quality of images: their expressiveness, contrast, brightness (even literacy of drawing perspectives) and much more.
Mandatory attention is drawn to the fonts. And this is not only the font of the title, but also all the texts accompanying the images.
When performing the clause , the use of color is mandatory !
The short-term clause is aimed at concentrating the creative energy of the student, encouraging his creative intensive work of fantasy and provoking the productive use of skills, on first acquaintance with the theme of “grasping” its main essence, revealing with the greatest distinctness its attitude to the topic, defining architectural and compositional plan
The student’s creative intuition is manifested in the clause. Intuitive comprehension of the conditions of the problem in the development of clausures has a "speed", despite the gaps in the information received. Using the mechanisms of memory and imagination, the student intuitively takes into account the requirements, selects "holistic" structures and expresses the idea of an object as a generalized visual image. The productivity of clause search is ensured by the ability of intuition to step over informational voids.
There are always moments of surprise, ambiguity of choice, incompleteness of existing knowledge, unconscious motives in the clause. The development of clausures does not guarantee a full-fledged architectural result, but this is a peculiarity of heuristic methods: they do not always lead to a satisfactory plan.
Clause method
Carrying out clausures as a method of systematic training exercises is aimed at intensifying training, at developing compositional abilities and imagination in students. Klauzura mobilizes knowledge and experience, provokes a state of inspiration, which is what the teacher hopes for in the early stages of a creative search. The method develops the student's ability to think productively, creates a desire for new ideas, creativity, develops resourcefulness in developing the topic; teaches students to a quick reaction, concentration of will and purposefulness, requires intense attention, the work of thought and memory. The time for the triggering of the intuition mechanism among students is different, therefore, according to the results of the clause, it is impossible to fully judge its creative potential, but the importance of systematic training is obvious. The virtues of short projects do not make them capable of replacing long-term projects. It is necessary to combine them.
Execution of the clause requires students to work hard. The process of expressing the primary figurative ideas about the subject is individual. Therefore, the clause is executed without the intervention of the teacher, so as not to disturb the beginning of the creative search.
The clause can be defined for various purposes: to search for a common idea, to solve a local problem, as a control exercise.
The program on the clause.
The topic for a free clause is usually simple. The program does not contain detailed descriptions, but indicates the main purpose of the design, the composition of the premises, the specifics of the situation, the possible structures and materials, the scope of the project, the scale and nature of the execution. The program should excite the creative interest of the student and pay to be completed within 4-8 hours or one or two days.
Students are warned about the forthcoming clause, although the topic is not always announced in advance.
The clause pattern should contain only what is necessary for the disclosure of the idea: the image must be generalized and expressive. The placement of the projections on the sheet is subject to the general layout requirements; however, the main place can be obtained by a perspective drawing or one projection that most clearly reveals the concept or figurative characteristic of the object in the environment. The performing style should match the genre of the theme.
Klauzura free theme.
In the first classes of the semester, a clause on a free topic is given to induce the beginning of the creative process. The program of a klauzury, as a rule, the general for all course. The clause is held for one day. In the conditions of incomplete and uncertain information about the object and time constraints, an emotional background is created that promotes creative search. Sometimes they hold a clause on the same topic at the same time at courses III and IV.
Klauzura on the main topic.
After the introductory lecture, the main topic is held. Thanks to the redundant information received by the student, the subject stands before him in all complexity. The skill allows the student to select the most important initial data and within a few hours to graphically formulate his primary hypothesis about the composition of the object. The clause does not always determine the future course of development of the project, however, it retains its specific creative and cognitive value as a subjective image coverage of the topic as a whole.
Klauzura in the design process and advanced klauzury.
In the design process, the clause method is applicable in the development of programs in which particular aspects of the topic can be distinguished, for example, at the joints of the chain of subtopics apartment-house-group of houses.
For tasks performed sequentially, but related to each other, it is recommended to carry out a forward-looking clause on the subsequent topic during the design of the first task. Thus, in the fourth year, when developing a club project, they carry out a clause on the interior of the hall or lobby; Bearing in mind the subsequent design of the village in the development of a two-, four-storey residential house, they hold a clause for a group of houses.
Test Clause.
The verification clause determines the degree of development of the student’s compositional thinking and self-creative skills. Klauzura performed during the examination session.
Discuss the clause.
At the next lesson after the execution of the clause, it is analyzed. This is an important educational stage in education: the teacher justifies the assessment to each student, analyzes the clauses that are of common interest.
The method of clauseur contributes to the student acquiring the skills of independence of creative work, the development of student self-control, the formation of the level of his self-esteem.
clause examples
As a graphic exercise for the development of creative abilities, concentration and organization of their working time.
Information and congratulatory object in the courtyard of the state institution ..
Materials and tools: white, color and black A-3 paper, watercolor, color pencils, black felt-tip pen, liner. Sketching: 2.3 sketch.
"Garage for blizzard" or "Santa Claus House".
Materials, tools: white, colored and black A-3 paper, watercolor, colored pencils, black felt-tip pen, liner, gouache.
Materials, tools: white, A-3 colored paper, pastels, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, liner, gouache, brushes.
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