The concept of landscape design. Basic terminology and course problematics

  The concept of landscape design.  Basic terminology and course problematics

The main goal of landscape design is to create a spatial-friendly environment that has all the necessary functional, aesthetic and ecological properties. It is based on the purposeful transformation of various natural landscapes. Therefore, the issues of their definition, classification, structure for the architecture are not only theoretical, but also of practical importance.

Landscape design is the most important area of ​​activity for a landscape architect. In the design process, all the drawings necessary to create an object in kind are developed, all additional documents are prepared - estimates, calculations, explanatory notes, etc., accompanying the project. While working on the project, the landscape architect should not only be well aware of the task assigned to him, not only know how to accomplish this task, but also have a clear understanding of his profession, its content and historical development. Only based on the rich experience of the past, owning the entire arsenal of compositional and technical methods developed by past generations, can we confidently move forward.

The term “landscape architecture” first appeared a little more than a hundred years ago in the United States, in connection with the organization of the first national parks there. This concept came to Europe much later. However, this does not mean that landscape architecture has a very short history. On the contrary, human activity, united by this concept, goes far back in time. In order to sufficiently clearly imagine the development of landscape architecture, it is useful to define the essence of the term, understand what landscape architects are doing and what place their profession occupies in the vast world of architecture [

  The concept of landscape design.  Basic terminology and course problematics

  The concept of landscape design.  Basic terminology and course problematics

Seminars : Landscape graphics - developing your own landscape language.

Test questions:

1. What issues does landscape design solve?

2. What are the main manufacturers of tools for landscape graphics?

3. Imagine a landscape element in the "openwork" technique.

4. Imagine a landscape element in a “tense, broken” technique of execution.

5. Imagine a landscape element in a “geometrized” technique of execution.


1. Vergunov A.P., Denisov M.F., Ozhegov S.S. Landscape Design: Textbook. Manual for universities for specials. "Architecture". - M .: Higher., 1991. - p.7

2. Symonds J.O. Landscape and Architecture, a shortened translation from A.I. Manshavinoy, Publishing house of literature, Moscow: 1965. - p. 193

3. Zaykova, E.Yu. Landscape design (private household) [Text] / summary of recommendations for students of the specialty 250700 "Landscape Architecture" and areas 070601 "Landscape Design" / E.U. Zaykova. - M .: RUDN, 2012. - 77с.

4. V. Nefedov Urban landscape design. - SPb .: Lyubavich, 2012. - 309s.


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Theory of Landscape Architecture