Concreting technology in winter conditions 2. Preparation and transportation of concrete mixes in winter conditions.

  Concreting technology in winter conditions 2. Preparation and transportation of concrete mixes in winter conditions.

The components of concrete mixtures at low temperatures protect against the ingress of snow, the formation of ice and freezing. Cement is stored in closed containers.

At concrete plants, they organize heating of the components and mixing water, and the preparation process itself is carried out in a warmed room, which ensures the output of the concrete mixture of a given temperature.

For the heating of sand and rubble, special registers are used through which water or steam heated to 900 ° C is passed. Water is heated predominantly by steam in water heaters, from where it is supplied to the supply tanks installed in the dosing compartment, and from them to the metering units.

To obtain a given temperature, the concrete mixture can be prepared in forced-action concrete mixers with steam heating.

Transport the concrete mixture in the winter in insulated concrete trucks, special containers, dump trucks with heated body exhaust gases. Body covered with a tarp or insulated shields, tubs and hoppers - wooden insulated covers. This eliminates additional overload, during which the temperature of the mixture decreases rapidly.

When transporting the mixture to the place of installation by the pipelines before the start of concreting, the links of the pipelines are insulated and heated with steam or hot water. When disassembling, the links of the concrete pipe line are cleaned with scrapers, brushes, wads: it is prohibited to wash them with water to prevent the formation of ice.


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