TECHNOLOGY OF THE DEVICE OF WATERPROOFING COATINGS 7. Specification of waterproofing works in winter conditions

  TECHNOLOGY OF THE DEVICE OF WATERPROOFING COATINGS 7. Specification of waterproofing works in winter conditions

Technological requirements for the production of works in the winter time are mainly due to the physical and mechanical properties of materials:

• performance of work in the open air without special events is allowed only at air temperature not lower than 5 ° С, with the exception of work on the device of metal insulation;

• workplaces should be protected from precipitation and wind;

• surfaces of insulated structures should be cleaned from dirt, water, snow, ice and blown out with compressed air;

• heating of insulated surfaces must be carried out until they reach a positive temperature;

• the insulating compounds used must be at a temperature in accordance with the requirements of the technological map;

• backfilling of waterproofing coatings is allowed by thawed ground or dry sand with thorough layer-by-layer compaction; there should not be frozen lumps in the ground;

• in buildings and premises where insulation works are carried out, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within 10 ... 15 ° С.

The insulated surface should be dried and heated to a temperature not lower than 10 ... 15 ° C. Leveling screeds are made from hot asphalt concrete only. Before labeling, rolled materials should be kept at room temperature of 15 ... 20 ° С for at least 20 hours. Hot asphalt mastics during application should have a temperature of 160 ... 180 ° С, cold - 60 ... 80 ° С. Materials must be delivered to insulated containers or containers to the work site. It is recommended that waterproofing work at temperatures below + 5 ° C be carried out in green houses.

Waterproofing at an air temperature below 5 ° C must be arranged with preliminary heating of the insulated surface, waterproofing materials should have a positive temperature, transportation and storage only in insulated containers, cold mastics, pastes and solutions should be prepared using antifreeze additives.

Paint waterproofing can be carried out at a negative temperature only on hot bitumen mastic, on the same suit.   TECHNOLOGY OF THE DEVICE OF WATERPROOFING COATINGS 7. Specification of waterproofing works in winter conditions   TECHNOLOGY OF THE DEVICE OF WATERPROOFING COATINGS 7. Specification of waterproofing works in winter conditions   TECHNOLOGY OF THE DEVICE OF WATERPROOFING COATINGS 7. Specification of waterproofing works in winter conditions   TECHNOLOGY OF THE DEVICE OF WATERPROOFING COATINGS 7. Specification of waterproofing works in winter conditions   TECHNOLOGY OF THE DEVICE OF WATERPROOFING COATINGS 7. Specification of waterproofing works in winter conditions   TECHNOLOGY OF THE DEVICE OF WATERPROOFING COATINGS 7. Specification of waterproofing works in winter conditions   TECHNOLOGY OF THE DEVICE OF WATERPROOFING COATINGS 7. Specification of waterproofing works in winter conditions   TECHNOLOGY OF THE DEVICE OF WATERPROOFING COATINGS 7. Specification of waterproofing works in winter conditions   TECHNOLOGY OF THE DEVICE OF WATERPROOFING COATINGS 7. Specification of waterproofing works in winter conditions   TECHNOLOGY OF THE DEVICE OF WATERPROOFING COATINGS 7. Specification of waterproofing works in winter conditions Ke can stick one layer of pasted waterproofing. It is allowed to perform hot asphalt waterproofing when antifreeze additives are added to its composition.


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Building technologies