TERMS AND CONCEPTS used in landscape architecture

  TERMS AND CONCEPTS  used in landscape architecture


Rock garden is a rocky garden, reflecting the beauty of the mountain landscape and its flora. It is characterized by a combination of stunted alpine plants with rocks, water.

Ammelnaya plants - with climbing or descending stems. Grown in ampels (hanging vases, baskets, etc.). Used for decoration of arbors, trellis, canopies, etc.

Amphitheater - in the ancient Roman architecture a spectacular building in the form of an ellipse with stepped rows of seats, in the XVIII century. appeared in the parks as a decorative structure for spectacles.

The ensemble is a spatially and functionally connected set of structures, vegetation, ponds and other landscape elements in landscape art, which forms an integral architectural and artistic composition.

Enfilade - in landscape art a series of separate demarcated spaces separated by plantings, connected with each other by passages located along the same axis. The alternation of large and small glades often takes the form of an enfilade (for example, in Trostyants, Voronovo).

Balustrade - through the fence terraces, stairs, retaining walls, consisting of a series of figured columns - balusters; in gardens and parks often decorated with flower vases, sculpture (for example, in the estate Arkhangelskoe).

Baroque - artistic style in European art from the end of the XVI to the middle of the XVIII century, was reflected in the creation of gardens and parks in France, Italy and other countries, including Russia. Characteristic are the decorative pomp, plasticity, and sometimes the pretentiousness of the composition, the desire to give natural materials (vegetation, water, relief) architectural forms (bosquets, fountains, terraces, retaining walls, etc.). Baroque compositions are partially preserved in the JI Summer Garden, in Pushkin, Petrodvorets, and others.

Arbor - landscape gardening structure, which is an open structure for recreation, creating shade, protection from rain.

The Belvedere is a tower, a superstructure on a building, a gazebo on a dais, with a view of the surroundings (for example, in Arkhantelsky).

Borders - narrow (10–30 cm) linear plantings from one or two rows of low (no more than 50 cm) flowering shrubs or decorative leafy grasses of a certain type. They are used to frame beds, rabatok or paths, highlight pattern in flower beds and parterres.

Hanging Garden - a small garden, located on the roof, gallery, special stone pillars. It has a loose soil layer for the growth of grasses, flowers, ornamental shrubs, and sometimes trees. Instead of a continuous soil layer, special portable containers for vegetable soil, small pools for aquatic plants are also used. The prototype of the modern hanging gardens is the gardens of Semiramis in ancient Babylon, which were located on multistage stone terraces. There are hanging gardens in the Moscow Kremlin in the 17th century, on the terraces of the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo near the Cameron Gallery, in the Winter Palace. Old Russian synonym for the term - "Horse Garden".

Waterfall is a natural or artificially arranged falling water flow between two water bodies located at different levels. Arranged in gardens and parks on the differences of relief.

Especially characteristic of romantic parks of landscape style (Alupka, Sofiyivka, etc.).

Habitus - the appearance, the shape of various trees and shrubs.

The lawn is an artificial turf cover, a plot sown mainly with cereal grasses in order to create a uniform green-emerald background for sculpture, architectural structures, flower arrangements and tree-shrub groups; depending on the purpose of use is divided into G. decorative (including parterny), sports, blooming (Moorish), special.

Geoplastic - architectural and artistic transformation of the relief, a kind of vertical planning.

The heroon is a memorial grove with statues.

The grotto is a decorative park construction created in places of rock outcrops

foot of the hill or in a pile of stones; at the waterfall, pond, stream with cascades, etc.

Hedge - planting of formed or freely growing trees or shrubs (or their combination) in order to obtain closed impenetrable plantings. Usually, they are cut into the shape of a green wall. Based on the destination hedges are one-, two-, three-row and of different heights. Plants that can be cut well, are curly (hawthorn, honey locust, Oriental biota, privet, shiny cotoneaster, etc.).

A menagerie is a forested area, usually with specially arranged glades, reserved for hunting in 18th century parks. (Gatchina, Kuzminki).

A green theater is a structure intended for outdoor performances, arranged in parks and gardens using natural terrain. As walls used fencing of living crap or climbers on special supports or frames.

The water mirror is a small decorative pond of usually regular geometric shape with a low side, “frame”. It was calculated on the reflection effect (from an architectural structure, sculpture, trees, etc.).

Plant introduction - the introduction of plants in areas where they were previously absent. The method of enriching the valuable plant species of our fields, gardens, botanical gardens and parks.

The cabinet in bosquet is a closed space formed by sheared walls of linden and other plants. It is characteristic for regular gardens and parks in the XVII-XVIII centuries. some rooms were decorated with pools, sculptures, arbors (for example, in the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg).

Cascade is a special multi-stage structure made of stone or concrete, which is used for dropping water jets at the places of the rapid currents of natural rivers and streams, as well as on the paths of artificial watercourses from a series of small terraces. One of the elements of the park composition.

Classicism - the artistic style of the XVIII - beginning of the XIX century, referring to antiquity and ancient art as the norm and the ideal model. In Russian park construction it is identified with the landscape style of planning, the rejection of regular constructions, as contrary to nature. Samples of park constructions in the style of classicism - the Temple of Friendship in Pavlovsk, the Kameron Gallery in the Catherine Park of the town of Pushkin, the Flora Pavilion in Sofievka, etc.

Flowerbed - a group of trees and shrubs in open meadows in landscape parks. Later, from the middle of the 19th century, K. called a flower garden of regular geometric (rounded, convex, flat, concave or rectangular) shape, usually placed in parterre compositions. K. also differ in color, and in the assortment of the planted plants: K. from flies, biennials and perennials; simple (from one plant species) and complex (from 2–3 species), one-tag and multi-tag.

Composite zoning of the park - zoning on the basis of planning and architectural and artistic organization based on the definition of the principle of the formation of various sections or areas of the park.

Composite node - a plot or part of a garden or park, combining and connecting together several plots or parts, resulting in a single composition. For example, a reservoir connecting the species points of the coast, from which various perspectives are revealed, or a glade that unites certain species in the landscape.

Composition in landscape art - building (structure) of a separate landscape of a garden, park or the whole territory in a particular artistic system, ensuring the interrelation of components (plantings, relief, water surfaces), due to the artistic design and purpose of the object. Various means and methods of composition are used; among them - the selection of the main and secondary, scale and proportionality, proportionality, rhythm and change of impressions, symmetry and asymmetry, contrast and similarity, orientation, light and color, texture of the material, etc.

The plan's cross composition is a composition based on the intersection of two planning axes and the selection of the center of the ensemble at or near this intersection. Architectural landscape construction develops from the periphery to the center in both directions (the main - longitudinal and subordinate - transverse). Widely used in the gardens of the regular type (Peterhof).

The red line is a conditional line separating the territory of the park from the street and buildings. It has a regulatory value.

Backstage - groups of trees or shrubs (arrays, clumps, groups) arranged parallel to each other in order to create a multi-dimensional perspective, close the unimportant or overly eye-catching, reveal the main thing with the aim of improving the perception of part of the park or surrounding landscape. They are also used to shade other plants from the sun or to protect them from trampling.

The culmination is the point (place, moment) of the highest rise in the development of the composition. In landscape art, it can designate as the strongest visual impression obtained by successive movement along the main compositional axis (for example, when entering a spectacular viewport or a sudden opening of a view of a building’s facade, a complex of fountains, etc.), and the highest degree of development of the ensemble in time, the stage of its greatest architectural and artistic perfection.

Cultural and historical zone of the park-monument - all or part of the park, where objects of historical, architectural, artistic or botanical and dendrological value have been preserved or will be restored.

Curtin - 1) a separate section of the forest, botanical garden, arboretum; 2) a large group of 20–90 and more specimens of trees and shrubs of the same species; 3) a turf-laden bed for flower plants.

Labyrinth - intricate passages, appeared in the gardens of the Renaissance, were widely spread in Russian parks of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Labyrinths in parks are usually made of high clipped hedges (using hornbeam, linden, laurel).

Landscape - 1) a natural territorial complex, a section of the earth’s surface bounded by natural boundaries, within which the natural components (topography, soil, vegetation, water bodies, climate, wildlife), as well as artificial, i.e. man-made (buildings, roads, farmland, etc.), are in interaction and adapted to each other; 2) a general view of the area, landscape.

Natural landscape - 1) a landscape that is not transformed by human activity, and therefore has a natural development; 2) relatively little transformed by man. The second meaning of the term is used mainly in relation to suburban and other developed territories, where natural landscapes in the full sense of the word have not survived. Some botanical gardens and large parks include separate tracts of the natural landscape, for example, juniper grove (Nikitsky Botanical Garden), oak grove (Main Botanical Garden), etc. In the parks created at the end of the XVIII century, the “naturalness” of park paintings was emphasized especially and even created artificially (for example, in Gatchina).

Landscape architecture is the architecture of open spaces, a city-planning industry, the purpose of which is to create a favorable external environment for the life and recreation of the population in cities, suburban and resort areas, and rural areas, taking into account functional, aesthetic, technical and economic requirements. The specificity of the industry lies in the fact that it deals mainly with natural materials and objects - the relief of the earth's surface, vegetation cover, and reservoirs in the design of parks, gardens, squares, forest parks, and suburban mass recreation areas. The tasks of landscape architecture also include gardening and exterior landscaping of residential yards, industrial enterprises, transport and agricultural facilities. Historically originated at the junction of landscape art and modern urban planning.

Forest Park - landscaped forest, organized into a certain landscape space-planning system by the gradual reconstruction of landings, the organization of roads, walking alleys, walking paths, lawns, gutters, etc .; intended for the free short-term recreation of the population in an environment close to the natural.

Small architectural forms are artificial elements of a landscape gardening composition: gazebos, rotundas, pergolas, trellises, benches, arches, sculptures from plants, kiosks, pavilions, playground equipment, awnings, etc.

The memorial complex is the territory where monumental architectural structures are located - mausoleums, pantheons, sculptural groups, obelisks of glory and monuments dedicated to outstanding events in the history of the people. Usually solved as a park with a strictly regular layout, including large parterre, wide alleys. Trees with a weeping or pyramidal crown are often used (for example, Piskaryovskoye cemetery, the Field of Mars, etc.).

Manegeria is a bird house. In parks it has not only utilitarian, but also decorative value, usually located on the shore of a reservoir.

“Dead” materials - multi-colored sand, crushed tiles, broken glass, crushed marble, anthracite and other materials with which the in-house drawing of garden parters is carried out. They are combined with “living” materials in the form of lawn grasses, low shorn bushes.

Mixborder is a type of flower decoration, characteristic of a multiple change of flowering during the growing season, created by the selection of flowering predominantly herbaceous perennials.

Diversity - a series of successively changing visual plans in parks, forest parks, separate scenes from each other and perceived at a sufficient distance.

A modular garden is a method of designing a flower bed, a small garden space, or a fragment of a park built on a geometric system of modules that are repeated at regular intervals. For example, the squares laid out on the edges of the tiles, with a different or uniform filling (flowers, ornamental trees and shrubs, lawn).

Monosades are gardens (rosaries, dahlias, syrengarias, etc.) in which any one plant is leading.

The National Park is a state protected area with a strict visiting regime, with exceptional natural features, the presence of rocky mountains, forests with a rich floristic composition, lakes, geysers and other objects of national value. Designed for nature conservation, tourism, research work. Some national parks include in their borders historically established parks, manors (for example, “Gauja” in Latvia).

Nymphaeum - a sacred grove at the source, decorated with sculpture, a colonnade, a stele, etc., is characteristic of the garden art of ancient Greece, where it was considered to be the dwelling place of nymphs and muses. In Russian landscape art of the era of classicism, this form was used, for example, in the works of N. A. Lvov.

Deception - "fraudulent" species . In the Russian parks of the XVII century. picturesque images placed at the end of the walkways and creating the illusion of a distant perspective, the facade of a magnificent architectural structure, etc.

A vegetable garden is one of the names of a garden attached to a Russian manor from the 15th to the 17th centuries, in which mainly fruit trees and shrubs were grown, as well as vegetables and flowers.

Palisade - 1) light wooden trellis fence installed along the edges of rectangular or square bosquets; 2) a palisade of logs buried in the soil, is used to fix the slopes.

A ramp is a structure representing an inclined plane that replaces a ladder and serves for transitions or entries from one terrace to another, with a longitudinal slope of the surface not exceeding 8 °. Introduced in terraced parks of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

Panorama - a broad (sometimes circular) and multi-dimensional perspective, allowing you to freely observe a large open space, usually from a height. It is calculated on the perception of it entirely and consistently, fragment by fragment, which are separate compositionally complete paintings. In the panorama, high-altitude dominants, accents, and compositional pauses are distinguished. As the vertical angle of view increases, which depends on the elevation difference of the point and the object of observation, the strength of the emotional impact of the panorama increases.

Paradise - the ancient Persian garden, a characteristic feature of which was the abundance of roses, fountains, ponds.

The parterre is a decorative open geometrically constructed composition of low plants in a horizontal plane, forms the front part of a regular park, is broken at the main buildings, at monumental buildings and monuments. A large place is given to the lawn, the flower garden of carpet plants, which in combination with ponds, sculpture, decorative paving, etc. form a single ensemble. Characterized by the rigor of lines and shapes.

Landscape park - a park (or part of it) for walking and contemplating pictures of “natural” nature.Differs free arrangement of roads, alleys and other elements of the layout, usually includes extensive reservoirs, meadows, groves, organized into a certain spatial system. Many palace and manor parks (Pavlovsk, Gatchina, Tsaritsyno), Dendroparks (Trostyanets, etc.) can be attributed to landscape.

Pergola - landscape gardening structure, consisting of a wooden or metal frame, with a flat or vaulted surface, emphasized by pillars or stone columns; entwined with climbing plants (vines), forming a closed gallery. Arranged at the entrance to the garden, above part of the avenues, etc.

Peristyle - patio with a pool, a fountain and a flower garden, surrounded by a colonnade; different regular composition, isolation. In ancient Rome, the walls of the peristyle were often painted with park landscapes to create an illusory space.

A glade is an open space in a park or forest, mostly free of trees and large shrubs, but with grass cover. They are divided into small, medium and large (the width is 1, 5–2; 2–4; 4–6, the heights of the surrounding tree-shrub vegetation). Combined into groups, enfilade and "chains". The space of large glades and the exits on them are marked by soliter and groups of highly decorative trees. The outlines of the field in the plan are usually given rugged contours (backstage). For better insolation, the longitudinal axis of the glade is sought to be positioned in the direction close to the meridional (glades in Pavlovsk, Voronovo, Tsaritsyn).

Портик – выступающая перед фасадом здания открытая галерея, образуемая колоннами, несущими перекрытие, обычно отмечает coбoй главный вход в здание и поддерживает фронтон или аттик. Играет роль переходного звена, композиционно связывающего интерьеры здания с парадным двором – курдонером, улицей, площадью или прилегающим парком; часто является архитектурным завершением пространственной оси, проходящей через центральную часть дворцово-паркового комплекса (Михайловский сад в Ленинграде, в Останкине и т.д.)

Природный парк – территория, характеризуемая выраженными ландшафтными особенностями местности (лес, степь, горы, скалы, река, водопады, интересные флора и фауна), подлежащая особой охране и в то же время доступная для туристов и отдыхающих.

Propylaea - monumental gates in the form of a colonnade, arcades or groups of structures that mark the main entrance to an architectural ensemble, a palace and park complex (for example, in Pushkin, Sofievka, Ostankino, Marfin).

Rabatka - a flower garden in the form of a narrow long strip, placed along the avenues, paths; arranged by multi-row planting of one or several types of letniki bulbs.

Radial-star composition of the park - the intersection of several planning axes at one point, on which the center of the park ensemble (or one of the areas of the park) is formed. The architectural and landscape construction develops in all radial directions from the periphery to the center. Ring links are usually organized, linking the planning axes to each other (Pavlovsky Park).

The Garden of Eden is the name of a small garden inside the walls of the monastery, which in ancient times had a symbolic meaning and was planted with “paradise” plants - apples, grapes, fragrant flowers and herbs.

Recreation zone - a specially allocated area in a suburban area, in the city, intended for recreation in order to restore strength and health. Urban recreational areas are gardens, parks; suburban: forest parks, recreation areas. They are also considered as “buffer”, i.e., protective territories, which reduce the excessive recreational load from intensively visited historical parks and monuments (in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Riga, Tallinn, and other cities).

Rosary - 1) collection or decorative area (part of the park, garden), intended for the cultivation and display of various types and varieties of roses; 2) thickets of wild rose hips.

Rockery - landscape gardening structure, which is a rocky area of ​​the park, where ornamental plants are combined with stones.

Romanticism is a style in landscape art imitating idyllic rural and “heroic” landscapes. Romantic parks are characterized by artificial ruins, stone "chaos", "antique", "Gothic" buildings. Found in the gardens and parks of the XVIII-XIX centuries. in Russia (Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Tsaritsyno, somewhat later - Sofiyivka, Alupka).

The rotunda is a round-shaped structure, covered with a dome and supported by stone or wooden columns. Design element for landscaped gardens and parks (for example, in the Nikolskoe manor).

The grove is an array of plantations, an element of a park landscape of 1–1.5 hectares, consisting of mainly one species of trees (pine, beech, oak, birch grove), taking into account the mandatory viewability of the space between the trunks.

The ruins are an element of the design of the landscapes of romantic parks of the 18th century, representing artificially created ruins of ancient temples, tombs and other buildings (for example, in parks in Tsaritsyn, Sofiyivka).

Sculpture is a kind of spatial art that creates a three-dimensional image carved out of stone, cast in bronze, etc. The parks have not only decorative, but often also symbolic meaning, inspiring a landscape that gives it a certain ideological and artistic meaning (for example, Old Sylvia in Pavlovsk Park). Some types of sculpture are specific to parks, including fountain complexes, figures from sheared plants.

Tapeworm is a technique for placing single plantings in open space (trees, shrubs or large herbaceous plants) that stand out for their architectonics or attract particular attention.

Terrace - a horizontal or slightly sloping platform of natural origin or artificially arranged, forming a ledge on the slope of the area; characteristic of the gardens of antiquity, parks of the Renaissance and Baroque, located on the slopes along the ravines, in mountain conditions (in relief).

Topiary art - the art of figure-cutting of trees and shrubs that arose in antiquity, giving them geometric and fantastic forms (for example, animals, architectural structures, etc.). For example, laurel, biota, privet and other plants with fine crown texture, which tolerate a haircut, are used.

Trellis - vertical planar support (frame) for climbing plants (roses, clematis, etc.). It is carried out in the form of an openwork lattice from a tree, metal with various sizes of nests; the length and height depend on the type of plant that surrounds and the nature of use; it is installed in gardens, on the streets, along bridges, stairs, and at the same time serves as a fence.

The tea garden is a garden adjoining the tea house, adapted for recreation and tea ceremony (originally in Japan, China).

The attic (in Russian gardens of the 17th century) is an open wooden garden gazebo, usually on pillars.

Trellis - a series of densely planted low-growing trees or shrubs, clipped into a wall or on supports. The pillar is a wooden or metal grill or a wire stretched in several rows, attached to poles.

The pinwheel , a pleasure device in the form of a fountain with a "surprise", was especially popular in Russian gardens of the 18th century. (for example, at the Monplaisir Palace).

Esplanade - wide vacant space in front of public buildings in squares, in large parks. On the esplanade there are parterres, wide alleys with fountains, sculpture.

Ephemeris are temporary summer structures in 18th century parks designed for illusory or fleeting effects (for example, a tent depicting a stone building, a footbridge from living trees, etc.).

Japanese garden is a traditional work of landscape art, characterized by symbolic reproduction of nature in small spaces, fine elaboration of details, creating a certain state of contemplation in the visitor.




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Theory of Landscape Architecture