2. Aesthetic theory 2.1. Aesthetic as a special form of the relationship of man to reality 2.2. Main aesthetic categories

  2. Aesthetic theory 2.1.  Aesthetic as a special form of the relationship of man to reality 2.2.  Main aesthetic categories

Essence and specificity of aesthetic attitude. Criteria of aesthetic value orientation: harmony, integrity, humanity, rhythm, measure, ideal. Aesthetics of the Universum (nature, society, culture, art) and perspective tasks of architecture and design. Dialectics of object-subject aesthetic attitude in development. Basic interpretations. Modern understanding of the dialectic of aesthetic relations as a mobile, open, equilibrium system. Aesthetic consciousness and its structure. Aesthetic feeling, taste, judgment. Evaluation and aesthetic ideal. Intuition and aesthetic consciousness. Aesthetic theory. Aesthetic activity and originality of its manifestations in human life. The main forms of aesthetic activity. Aesthetic in architecture. Aesthetic aspects of the architect and designer. Aesthetic organization of the environment.

2.2. Main aesthetic categories

Feature and originality of aesthetic categories. Aesthetic ideal and its place in the system of categories of aesthetics. Aesthetic ideal and reality. The place and role of the category of beauty in aesthetic relations. Beautiful and ugly as a dialectic of aesthetic orientations. The main aesthetic categories in art, in architecture. KateF Gorii “harmony”, “measure”, “proportion”, “rhythm” in the history of architecture. Aesthetic categories in design. Their modern interpretation.


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Aesthetics of architecture and design