Chapter 1. The essence of the restoration and reconstruction of real estate 1.1. Terms and Definitions

  Chapter 1. The essence of the restoration and reconstruction of real estate 1.1.  Terms and Definitions

Restoration is a complex, complex type of construction, the objects of which are monuments of cultural heritage, from the restoration of painting to the repair of facades. The main purpose of the restoration - the extension of the life of the monument. It usually includes the elements and repair, and conservation.

Monument repair is periodically carried out maintenance work carried out by conventional construction methods. In this case, as a rule, the basic structure of the monument is affected to a minimum extent. The main types of repair work are changing and painting roofs, filling up plaster losses, renewing the painting of walls, etc.

Conservation is a work on the preservation of the monument, requiring the adoption of special measures that are not part of the usual repair practice. Preservation is necessary when the monument for some reason turns out to be in an unsatisfactory condition.

There are two types of conservation:

- measures for the temporary protection of buildings threatened by rapid destruction: installation of supports, installation of sheds, etc .;

- complex work to strengthen and protect monuments destroyed under the influence of long-acting factors (for example, strengthening the foundations and foundations, strengthening the main supporting structures, elimination of deformations, measures to combat humidity, biological protection).

Conservation is not an engineering task, it must be preceded by not only engineering, but also very serious architectural research. The restorer architect has the main coordinating role, both in developing the conservation program and in its practical implementation. But along with this, an important component of the restoration is the change in the existing type of the monument to more fully reveal its artistic qualities, which makes it possible to more clearly emphasize its social value and thereby contribute to the creation of conditions for its long life.

Cases of restoration are as different as the monuments themselves are different. However, the overwhelming majority of the restoration is characterized by a lack of desire for stylistic unity, recognition of the value of many of the later layers, limiting the restoration of elements whose form can be perfectly documented. Restoration of this type, corresponding to modern theoretical views, has been called fragmentary. Fragmentary restoration is a partial extension of the conservation area, and it is not always easy to draw a clear boundary between them.

Holistic restoration differs from fragmented one, first of all not by the scale of the work, but by the main goal - the mandatory return to the former condition of the monument in its entirety. The legitimacy of a complete restoration for monuments that have already suffered destruction and loss is indisputable. Then the restoration focuses on the reconstruction of not the intended original appearance, but of the compositionally complete architectural appearance that existed at the time of the destruction and could include a whole series of later layers. Holistic restoration of a work of art in those few cases where it can be recognized as legitimate, is motivated primarily not by the need to recreate the ancient appearance of the monument as such, but by solving a broader task, since the complete restoration is subject to restoration or reconstruction of the entire architectural complex. As a rule, the task of holistic restoration can be achieved by attracting both direct and indirect data.

The restoration consists of two operations:

- disclosure of the monument by removing the late elements distorting it;

- recovery of lost items.

Disclosure is possible only when the deleted parts are of no interest either from the artistic or from the historical side, or are of very limited interest, incompatible with the value of the original disclosed. This is recognized in an open panel discussion with the participation of reputable experts.

In the simplest cases, the restoration can generally be reduced to a single disclosure (for example, the fragmentary removal of plaster on the facade of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev).

But, as a rule, restoration is a complex combination of disclosure and additions. Restoration of the monument must necessarily rely on multilateral comprehensive studies (historical bibliographic and historical archival research).

The object of restoration research is always a monument to the cultural (architectural) heritage, and not just parts of it that are recognized to be valuable.

The system of values ​​of cultural (architectural) heritage:

- historical value;

- urban value;

- architectural and artistic value;

- scientific restoration value;

- functional value.

The main methods of restoration are the stepped system of the methodology of the restoration and reconstruction process and research design.

Consider the technology of restoration works on the example of the restoration of the facade of the building. An important component of the restoration of the facade of the building is its technological program, which includes the materials used in it and is based on a thorough survey of the facade, identifying the existing damage and the reasons for them, determining historically reliable materials and structures, and researching all previous repairs.

The development of the technological program includes a reasonable selection of an integral system of restoration materials and methods for their application. At the same time, it is necessary to solve not only protective and decorative tasks - it is necessary to ensure the historical accuracy of the materials and provide the least degree of interference with the object being restored.

Unfortunately, in practice, restoration very often turns out to be similar to the real one only by name. There are many examples when architectural monuments turn into copies of themselves: for example, historical plaster layers are demolished, original materials are replaced with new, “progressive”, facades are painted suitable only for concrete surfaces with “pliolite” or similar synthetics. This leads to a slow but deep destruction of the facade.

Most often this is due to the low professionalism of performers who do not see the difference between the concepts of "repair" and "restoration". This is one side of the coin, on the other hand, work with these restoration materials requires serious training of specialists-restorers, as well as strict use of regulated work methods. In developed countries, such as Italy, federal law requires that restoration be carried out exclusively with mineral compounds. In Germany, historical sites are protected by WTA. In our country, such standards that would regulate the technological processes of restoration work are absent and are more dependent on the professionalism and clarity of the work of the performers.

Once again we note that during the restoration of the facades there is the use of silicate painting materials that do not meet the restoration requirements. They contain acrylates above the permissible 5% by European standards (according to the analysis, more than 10 butyl acrylate with styrene). In addition, part of the pigments used in paints - organic (unsuitable for facade work).

The properties of materials have changed due to the indicated deviations from requirements: the price has gone down, work with them has ceased to require special skills, and obtaining the desired color, not limited by mineral pigments, has become easier. But the properties so important for the life of the facade have changed: the vapor permeability has fallen, the light resistance has decreased, the materials have ceased to be silicate, that is, mineral.

To date, the facade restoration technology is widely used on the restoration market, developed jointly with Italian specialists and based on Italian-made SADOLIN materials, which, in addition to reliability, have decorative properties. This technology is used by the restoration firms KAST, Gorkov and Gorkov, Krasny Gorod, Lear, and others.

It should be noted that often the restoration of modern buildings and structures can not be called restoration, it is rather a reconstruction or overhaul.

In the twentieth century. The restoration school in Leningrad brought up young specialists, developed technologies and methods that were used in all parts of the former Soviet Union. At that time, the preservation of monuments of the historical and cultural heritage of Leningrad was of great importance in connection with state policy.

Thus, in May 1946, the Restorer Production and Construction Association appeared, its craftsmen were called upon to revive Leningrad, raise it from the ruins and return the city its former beauty. The “Restorer” association was a unique state-owned enterprise performing the full range of work: from creating projects to performing all types of restoration works, from training specialists to developing scientific methods. The production and construction association included: several specialized restoration workshops, the Lenproektrestavratsiya Institute, a restoration school, a laboratory, an archive. The restoration work was carried out by specialists from three large workshops; the central one was in Leningrad, the other two in Peterhof and Pushkin. In the late 1980s. a fourth one was created - a general construction workshop, which later specialized only in restoration work. The workshops, in turn, were divided into numerous sections. The number of specialists working in the “Restorer” association was close to two thousand. Personnel for the production and construction association were trained in specialized educational institutions. Most of the specialists began their career as students who worked under the guidance of experienced restorers in the production and construction association. For many years, the Restorer PSO was the only restoration association, whose specialists carried out all types of restoration work not only in Leningrad, but throughout the Soviet Union.

The political situation changed, and the change in the socio-economic situation in the 1990s. led to the abolition of many state institutions, including the restoration industry. Financing of restoration objects has decreased to a critical level. Within ten years, many highly qualified specialists left the restoration industry, and, as a result, the system of professional training for restorers at production workshops ceased to exist. In St. Petersburg, the largest production and construction association “Restorer” was disbanded, as a result of which several small, highly specialized restoration companies were formed.

After the stabilization of the economic situation in the country, the state finally paid attention to the state of Russia's cultural heritage. There were federal programs aimed at the preservation of historical and cultural monuments.

Reconstruction. The problem of reconstruction, despite its relevance, has so far not received a deep theoretical justification. Separate developments in the field of reconstruction of buildings, the feasibility study of reconstruction processes do not provide a comprehensive solution to the problem.

Before proceeding to the consideration of the essence of reconstruction, it is necessary to establish precisely what is meant by historical reconstruction (See Appendix 1).

Historical reconstruction is the reconstruction of the whole on the basis of the preserved data, sometimes fragmentary, describing this whole. The following data can be used as basic data: preserved fragments of the object of reconstruction, as well as references to it in written sources, in oral tradition (legends and legends); images of various kinds; preserved similar objects, made by the same method and in the same style; modern publications; archaeological finds and museum exhibits. The more data is preserved about the object, the higher the degree of reliability of the reconstruction.

What is the fundamental difference between the historical city and the “non-historical” one, because each city has its own history? Today, the criterion is the fact of occurrence, that is, chronological, determining the nature of the developments by the time of their creation.

This approach formed the basis of a joint resolution of the Board of the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR, the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation and the Presidium of the Council of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, according to the list of historical settlements of the Russian Federation, which include, for example, Tomsk, founded in 1604 Federal values, 252 regional and 1340 - municipal values.

Separating the state of this group of cities and towns from the general list of Russian cities raised their importance in the public consciousness, as well as placed additional responsibility on local authorities for the preservation of these settlements. Unfortunately, the status of a historic city was not supported by additional rights of local governments, tax exemptions, targeted federal programs, etc. with respect to these cities.

In the XX century. as a result of the unsuccessful reconstruction projects in Leningrad, monuments of the “historical heritage” were lost, which are currently contained only in catalogs that provide an opportunity to explore the monuments and get aesthetic pleasure. These objects include:

part of Gostiny Dvor on the Birzhevaya line, 1, due to the change of buildings of the Library of the Academy of Sciences;

the Yakovleva mansion on Moskovsky pr., d.12-12 as a result of the reconstruction of the Hay Market.

Obukhov Hospital (Fontanka River Embankment, 106) was added and rebuilt in the early 1950s;

Midwifery Institute at nab. R. Fontanka, d. 148 - lost appearance as a result of reconstruction by the project of DD. Ustrugova in the years 1910-1913;

Perin line on Nevsky Prospect, 33a. In the 1930s the whole building was reconstructed in order to further protect it as a historical monument, but in the early 1960s. was demolished for the development of the metro;

Krestovozdvizhenskaya community (nab. R. Fontanka, d. 154). Currently, this building has the form given to it in the years 1903-1904. Yu.Yu. Benoit, rebuilt empire mansion, built in the early XIX century. for a large timber merchant Zherbina;

residential house on Nevsky Prospect, 7-9, built in the style of classicism;

Trinity-Sergiev Compound (Fontanka River Embankment, 44);

English Assembly (Palace Emb., D. 16);

St. Vladimir's School (Moscow Ave., d. 104);

Sergievsky Cathedral (Liteiny pr., D. 6);

Znamenskaya Church (Square of the Uprising);

When studying historical monuments from various sources, it is necessary to distinguish the true information from the unreliable. To do this, it is necessary to allocate temporary and personnel reserve for searching information on cultural and architectural monuments, checking its reliability and eliminating unreliable information.

An individual approach is needed to address the issues of reconstruction of each individual monument and each individual section of the urban area.

Increased attention to urban heritage means that it is not easy to preserve what is, but to study and try to recognize the various historical and cultural values. It is impossible to preserve and recreate all the monuments, but one can and must “dig up” and fix everything, accumulating scientific funds, preserving information for posterity.

Reconstruction is a radical reorganization, alteration for the purpose of improvement, a complex of organizational and technical measures aimed at eliminating the moral and physical deterioration of buildings as a whole or of their individual elements and systems.

The main tasks of reconstruction:

- ensuring the safety of fixed assets in the non-production sphere;

- prevention of premature exit of buildings from exploitation and their demolition;

- reorganization in order to partially or completely change the function;

- improvement of consumer qualities;

- increase the comfort of living.

Reconstruction of the object, as a rule, is part of the overall reconstruction of the urban area, residential area, quarter of the historical core of the city, caused by the improvement of the complex of social and cultural institutions of the city.

The reconstruction of buildings and structures includes a number of measures for the reorganization of their space-planning and constructive solutions:

- redevelopment of premises;

- strengthening, partial disassembly or replacement of structures;

- superstructure (increase in the number of floors of the house or its parts), including the attic;

- an extension (new volume is attached most often to the end or to the side);

- improvement of the building facades;

- the formation of modern interiors of the premises.

В целом, реконструкция должна носить комплексный характер с учетом требований по перспективному развитию всего города, отдельного квартала или объекта.

В процессе становления ремонтно-строительного производства как самостоятельной отрасли народного хозяйства ведется поиск путей максимального повышения эффективности реконструкции, совершенствования объемно-планировочных, архитектурно-конструктивных, организационно-технологических решений. Опытные данные показывают, что реконструкция отдельных строений в сложившейся застройке препятствует применению прогрессивных методов работы, оптимальных инженерных решений и современных методов организации строительства.

Реконструкция зданий почти всегда связана с восстановлением эксплутационных показателей и усилением несущих конструкций остова. Для проекта реконструкции необходимо проводить очень тщательное обследование технического состояния всех деталей и узлов конструктивного решения оснований и фундаментов, стен и перекрытий, покрытий и кровель сооружения, а также работу всех инженерных систем. Данное обследование требует выполнения правил техники безопасности. Выявленные дефекты в работе различных конструктивных элементов позволяют определить индивидуальные подходы в решении проблем их усиления и разработки новых конструктивных решений. Наибольший объем работ по реконструкции в исторических городах приходится на жилой фонд. Технология ремонтно-строительного производства представляет собой совокупность технологических процессов, выполняемых последовательно во времени и пространстве со строительными материалами, изделиями и конструкциями с целью превращения их в готовую продукцию строительства – здания, сооружения и их комплексы. В основе ремонтно-строительных процессов всегда лежат физические, химические процессы и их совокупности (Рис. 1.1.). Примеры реконструкции зданий приведены на Рис. 1.2. и 1.3.

По итогам международных конференций, симпозиумов, семинаров, проводимых Комитетом европейской экономической комиссии по жилищным вопросам, строительству и градостроительству ООН, установлено, что наиболее общей является тенденция максимального сохранения существующих зданий, причем не только архитектурных и исторических памятников, но и зданий рядовой застройки, возведенных в традиционной манере и являющихся важными элементами городской среды. За рубежом наибольший опыт реконструкции жилых зданий накоплен в Германии (на территории бывшей ГДР). Работы с самого начала не ограничивались ремонтом и реконструкцией отдельных зданий или даже отдельных групп зданий, а охватывали целые районы старой застройки.

При комплексной реконструкции исторической городской среды необходимо рассматривать ее как инновационный процесс, включающий:

- реновацию – инновационный процесс в сфере основного капитала, при котором изменяется функциональное назначение объектов реконструкции;

- техническое перевооружение – локальную разновидность инновационного процесса реконструкции, которую осуществляют путем замены части процессов, осуществляемых в рамках отдельного объекта реконструкции;

- комплексную автоматизацию – локальную разновидность инновационного процесса, основанную на системотехническом применении новейших средств автоматизации и принципов развития «интеллектуальных» зданий;

- реконструкцию близлежащих объектов к каждому из объектов реконструкции.

При проведении реконструкции, помимо реконструкции в обычном понимании, необходимо осуществлять, так называемую, организационную реконструкцию.

Реконструкция должна осуществляться на основе организационных проектов , которые носят локальный характер. В организационной части проекта реконструкции упор делается на инновации в области информационных, а не строительных технологий.

  Chapter 1. The essence of the restoration and reconstruction of real estate 1.1.  Terms and Definitions

1– блок градостроительных обоснований; 2 – проект зон охраны исторической застройки; 3 – градоформирующая роль архитектурного наследия; 4 – блок анализа исходной ситуации; 5 – внешние факторы реконструкции; 6 – внутренние аспекты реконструкции; 7 – концепция реконструкции; 8 – генеральная схема реконструкции; 9 – комплексные программы осуществления реконструкции; 10 – архитектурное наследие; 11 – жилой фонд; 12 – общественные здания; 13 – транспортная сеть; 14 – инженерная инфраструктура; 15 - the project of complex reconstruction of the site; 16 - the project of reconstruction of a separate object; 17 - the block of public control; 18 is a block of financial investments.

Fig. 1.1. - Block diagram of the reconstruction project

  Chapter 1. The essence of the restoration and reconstruction of real estate 1.1.  Terms and Definitions

Fig. 1.2. - Example of reconstruction of a profitable house with two

"Black" ladders

  Chapter 1. The essence of the restoration and reconstruction of real estate 1.1.  Terms and Definitions

but)   typical floor plan to renovation

  Chapter 1. The essence of the restoration and reconstruction of real estate 1.1.  Terms and Definitions

b)   standard floor plan after reconstruction

Fig. 1.3. - Example of reconstruction of a profitable house with two

"Black" ladders

Recently in Russia, the concept of intelligent buildings and structures (intelligent Building Systems - 1ВS), which was born in the USA in the early 1980s, has a growing interest among consumers and professional real estate market participants.

Intellectual is such a building or structure that provides a productive and cost-effective environment by optimizing the 4 elements of the structure, systems, services, management and relationships between them. In other words, an intelligent building is a complex in which, using special technical means, ideal conditions for living are created, the necessary level of protection against natural disasters and unauthorized access is provided, and energy and utility resources are spent in the most rational manner. Management of an intelligent building with the help of integrated into a single information space systems, allows you to maximize the efficiency of the services while reducing operating costs. This ensures the circulation of the entire flow of information on the building using a single cable architecture.

The formation of IBS as a direction contributes to many factors. First, architectural masterpieces and designs of past centuries have a certain influence. Secondly, the connection of the spiritual beginnings of IBS with the ideas of the great Le Corbusier in his project “Dwelling-machine” (1923) is manifested. Thirdly, some conditionality of IBS ideas on the experience of operating structures for extreme or extraterrestrial living conditions (underground shelters, deep-sea vehicles, orbital stations) is stated. Fourth, automation tools used in the design of IBS are quite obvious as the results of well-known achievements in microelectronics, communications, and computer technology.

Centralized management does not abolish the existence of various operational services - it allows you to remove some of the workload from them and coordinate their activities optimally with the help of resource, information and signaling links.

An example of signal communication is clearly seen in the interaction of apartment and house security systems. Thus, emergency signals from the room sensors of the access control system and fire safety will go not only to the central dispatch console, but also to the monitor installed in the apartment, if the owner is at home, otherwise the signals will go to his mobile or work phones.

The scheme of building an intelligent modern residential building includes: lighting control; microclimate; security system (video surveillance, fire alarm, access control, water leakage control); automation and appliances (shutters, curtains, blinds and partitions, doors, etc.); audio (video) equipment and multi-zone distribution of audio and video signals; elevators; telephone installation and Internet access; fire extinguishing and smoke removal systems; video intercom; water quality control systems, reception of terrestrial and digital satellite television, backup electricity and water supply; facade lighting, etc.

The emergence of new IBS projects demonstrates a new understanding of the architectural and construction site, which is characterized by a large technical system with specialized capabilities for applying appropriate design approaches in the construction and renovation of buildings and structures.

Since the early 1970s. in Leningrad, for the first time in our country, they began to carry out the reconstruction of residential buildings by the group method. In recent years, this method has been successfully applied in the reconstruction of a number of districts of Moscow (Palikh St., Tikhvin, Khavsko-Shabolovskaya, Tula). It was established that the group method is the only possible way for the reconstruction of the historical center of the capital. Project proposals have been prepared and work has begun on the reconstruction of such large urban-planning entities in the central part of the city as Maroseyka-Solyanka-Yauza Gates, ul. Arbat - Prechistenka, Kuznetsky Most, a number of blocks between Tsvetnoy Boulevard and Sretenka. Projected update Tverskaya st. and adjacent neighborhoods where new residential buildings are built with a total area of ​​100 thousand m2. It is planned to reconstruct residential buildings of the old building with a total area of ​​about 40 thousand m2, to make in them comfortable apartments for family settlement. In the first floors of the buildings it is planned to place trade, catering and consumer services enterprises. In the process of reconstruction, the demolition of dilapidated and low-value buildings and structures and the erection of children's institutions and consumer services in their place, the reconstruction of transport, pedestrian and engineering communications, and landscaping are envisaged.

A special group is the housing stock of the first mass series.   (PPM) building 1960s. The lack of a major overhaul over 40 years has led to the critical state of most of these buildings, and their physical wear contrasts with the modern requirements of living comfort, energy saving, and aesthetics of the architectural environment of St. Petersburg.

Similar problems are typical for many peripheral areas of the city districts of typical two-three-storey slag-block-brick buildings of the fund of post-war reparation construction   (FPRS) the end of the 1940s.

In total, city districts FPMS and FPRS, accounting for up to 15% of the housing stock and having a well-developed urban infrastructure, have a building density in the range of 3500-8000 square meters. m / ha, which is noticeably lower than current standards.

In the conditions of budget deficit, it is necessary to develop solutions that provide funding for the reconstruction of the FPMS / FPRS from extrabudgetary sources. As practice shows, the most expedient is the path of quarterly reconstruction , taking into account the decision of the town-planning, economic and social aspects of the task.

An important and even methodologically crucial factor in accelerating the transition to quarterly reconstruction was the recently introduced practice by the CAC and the COP to develop development proofs for development projects (KPRZ) quarters at the stage of preparing pre-project proposals.

3-5 years ago, the investment attractiveness of quarterly reconstructions was quite controversial, now not only their social and urban planning, but also their economic efficiency, which reduces costs for virtually all projects, has become obvious.

Amid an acute shortage of development sites, investor interest in quarterly reconstructions began to grow remarkably quickly: by the end of 2002, there was a sharp jump in investment demand for quarterly reconstructions with simultaneous registration of the rights of regional development agencies.

It should be noted that for the specific conditions of St. Petersburg, the use of the practice of creating such agencies is quite an effective means of attracting extra-budgetary investments in the complex reconstruction of quarterly development. [2]


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Repairs. Reconstruction and restoration