Aesthetic experience of the Ancient East and its role in shaping the aesthetic culture of antiquity. Aesthetic features in communication with nature. The origin of the foundations of landscape architecture. The development of the nature of aesthetic thought from intuitively reflective to theoretical. Main categories: harmony, rhythm, measure. The birth of professional art. The law of artistic measure. The doctrine of mimesis. The problem of beauty and expediency in ancient aesthetics. "Dialogues" of Plato and "Poetics" of Aristotle, (Aristotof's dispute with Plato about the nature of the beautiful, about the relation of art to reality. Aesthetic principles of catharsis and kalokagatia in the development of ancient aesthetic culture. Presentation of the ancients about creativity. Evaluation of the place and role of the artist, architect. Architecture as a peculiar form of aesthetic refraction. "Ten books on architecture" by Vitruvius. Structural substantiation of the archival texture in the triad "Use, strength and beauty." Vitruvius on tectonics and harmony of architectural constructions, about the role of the intellect of the architect in his work. Aesthetic development of the subject matter in the ancient world.
The cultural environment of ancient civilization and the state of "bifurcation" - the choice and transition to a new value system. The transition from the CEC to the EC. The formation of a new value system. The first steps of the “project classic”.
" European Value System ". The discovery and antique interpretation of the value of the individual and its freedom . Free citizen of the ancient polis. Antique interpretation of the ideas of equality and fraternity. Evaluation of the place and role of the artist , the architect .
Value characteristic of activity as professional work. Professional work in collaboration with the value setting for the ministry. The professional nature of the activity, creativity. Representation of the ancients about creativity. The doctrine of mimesis. Creativity as an imitation of its "eidos". Eidos are the archetypes of cosmos, nature. The birth of professional art.
Aristotle on professional artistic activity: natural ability, knowledge, accuracy (skills). The concept of skill. Professional activities of the architect in ancient culture.
Knowledge - intellectual, theoretical, professional, initiating to the "discoveries", on understanding the essence and expediency of the activity.
The development of aesthetic thought from an intuitive-contemplative character to a philosophical-theoretical one. Aesthetics in ancient Greece: from mythology to philosophy.
Main categories: integrity, harmony, rhythm, measure, mimesis, catharsis, etc. Principles of mathematical aesthetic artistic harmony. The number and its sacred interpretation in the design. The law of artistic measure.
Aesthetic views of Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Democritus. The interpretation of the "whole", "single", "harmony", "measures", "rhythm" and architectural creativity.
Aesthetic concepts of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. The problem of beauty, beauty and expediency in ancient aesthetics. “Dialogues” of Plato and “Poetics” of Aristotle. Aristotle's argument with Plato about the nature of the Beautiful, about the relation of art to reality. “Beautiful” as fundamental, as a natural attractor of the universe, of man and his activity. “Beautiful” - as the embodiment, carrier and “sign” of good, true, expedient, good, durable, functional. "Beautiful" and architecture.
Aesthetic principles of catharsis and kalokagatia in the development of ancient aesthetic culture and the interpretation of creativity, architectural activity.
Art life in antiquity. "Round dance muses." Art and reality. The value setting of ancient culture is the order as a priority of purposeful cultural, transformative activity, as a manifestation of a person’s measure.
The closest, kinship of nature and culture. Attitude to Nature as an element, but orderly, organized by the standards of man.
Architecture in the system of music. Architecture is the result of independent professional activity. The birth of order architecture.
Architecture is an expression of a natural connection and cultural opposition to nature. Peripter Y century - the infinite space of nature, from which it grows.
Attractor systems of ancient architecture - feasibility. Expediency in the work of the architect with the material. Search for the harmony of the need for natural material, physical laws and the freedom of creative goal setting. Expediency is the basis of the architect’s creative program.
Antique architectural form The artistic image of the architecture of antiquity is the ideal of the “beautiful”. "Beautiful" in architecture - as an expression of simplicity, proportionality, comfort, reliability by the standards of man. The ancient Greek mentality and its value “reading” of integrity, harmony, measure and rhythm in architecture.
Integrity (composition) : simplicity and completeness as an expression of the perfection of human cultural activity.
Harmony : “conversational competition” with inner peace.
Measure : man - as a microcosm in the macrocosm.
Rhythm : natural and natural, consistent with the nature and dignity of a free citizen.
Artistic expressiveness of classical antique architecture and the European system of values. The expressiveness of the structures and functions of ancient classical architecture. The artistic image of the ancient architecture: the desirability of human activity, excluding randomness. The artistic image of the architecture of the Greek classics as an expression of the harmonious ideal, man's coke.
The European system of values and its interpretation of Roman culture. Roman architecture, as a chronicle of Roman history from the republic to the empire. New value-semantic accents. Roman - World Citizen, warrior-conqueror and winner. Craft is a gift of space (Vitruvius). Knowledge for the elect. "Ten books about architecture" Vitruvius - a synthesis of experience and knowledge of architectural creativity. Structural substantiation of the architectural image in the triad "advantage, strength, beauty." Vitruvius about tectonics and harmony of an architectural structure, about the role of the architect’s intellect in his work. Antique “architectural categorical apparatus”: structure, location, eurythmy, proportionality, decoration, economy and their professional reading in the context of the ancient system of values.
Integrity (composition) : the tendency to "openness."
Harmony : pretentious, heroic, strict, restrained.
Measure : Citizen of the World.
Rhythm : "military-chased", solemn.
A variety of artistic expressiveness of Roman culture: from the sublimely courageous, solemnly heroic, “warlike spirit” to the elegant, graceful and sophisticated.
Aesthetic development of the subject environment in the ancient world.
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