16. Artistic image in art.

  16. Artistic image in art.

Artistic image , scientific concept, ordinary presentation. The essence of the artistic image. Symbol and sign in artistic creation. Historical modifications of the artistic image: from sacredness to simulacrum.

Artistic image and its structure. The dialectic of objective and subjective, common and individual, rational and emotional, content and form in the artistic image.

The artistic image is valuable information about the Cultural Environment, about the architect, designer, about the architecture itself and the design product.

Artistic image - the core, the core, the attractor of the system "architecture", "design".

The artistic image is a flexible and mobile, sensitive connection between the “Cultural Environment”, the personality of the creator - the architect, the designer and the system “architecture”, “design”.

Informativeness of the artistic image. Images are an allegorical form of value information.

Artistic image and its expressive possibilities.

Aesthetic and artistic in the artistic image. Artistic and beautiful in art.

Artistic image as a unique measure of integrity, harmony, rhythm of content and form.

Content and form as philosophical and aesthetic categories. Aesthetic specificity of content and form in art. "The object of art" and "content" works of art.

Dialectics of content and form in art. The unity of content and form as one of the criteria of artistry.

Architectural image and its features. Architecture as a multi-sign and multi-meaning system: social, ecological, technical and technological, constructive, aesthetic, artistic system. Technical sense and beauty of an architectural, design object. “The beautiful is in size and order” (Aristotle).

Artistic image and design.

The architectural image is a synergistic system. Difficult, open, non-equilibrium, self-developing. Expressive design capabilities in architecture. Artistic expressiveness of the aesthetic principles of shaping architecture and design. Allegory, metaphor, symbol and other "faces" of imagery in architecture. Aesthetic and artistic perception of architecture.

Form and function in architecture and design.

Features of the content and form in the architectural image. “Truthfulness”, typification, artistic idea and artistic integrity in architecture. Harmonic form and concept of composition in design. Design Design Tools.

Composition and architectural image.

Aesthetic and artistic features of architectural composition. Aesthetic and artistic features of shaping in design.


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Aesthetics of architecture and design