Material and technical base. Providing construction materials, products and structures

  Material and technical base.  Providing construction materials, products and structures

The system of enterprises and farms, construction organizations, enterprises, enterprises and the industry of building materials, as well as branches serving construction.


1 link


2 link Industrial

3 link Infrastructure

- general construction organizations

- specialized

- highly specialized enterprises for the production of building materials

- specialized enterprises (organized on the basis of enterprises of other industries)

- enterprises of building materials, products and structures

- enterprises of SM organizations

Enterprises and organizations engaged in:

- transportation

- warehousing and storage

- production and technical equipment

- maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment

- prof. training and retraining

Basic principles of development and placement of MTB

The basic principles are to provide the consumer in building materials and products that are ahead of the development of MTB compared to an increase in construction and installation work, to develop cooperation, to create production facilities through technical re-equipment, reconstruction, commissioning of new production, and to focus on using local raw materials and enterprises. , in the use of local labor resources, the creation of new jobs, in the consideration of ecology and the implementation of social programs, as well as in the use of the latest x technology, focus on the production of modern high-quality products.

The development and location of MTB enterprises are influenced by many factors:

- availability of demand for building materials and products;

- availability of markets and proximity to consumption centers;

- availability and cost of raw materials, labor and fuel and energy resources;

- transport scheme, the availability of investment opportunities;

- current legislature; government and tax policy.

Development can be initiated by the state, private firms and individuals. To make a decision on the development and placement of MTB conduct a feasibility study, develop a business plan.

Providing construction materials, products and structures

Characteristic components of MTO are:

- logistics and sales;

- preparation of raw materials and materials for use;

- storage facilities;

- production and technological equipment (PTK);

- tool economy and technical equipment service;

- mechanical repair shops and services;

- transport facilities;

The main ways of improving the MTO of the main production is the further centralization and concentration of homogeneous service processes. The concentration of these services allows to increase the level of specializations, which is the most important source of improvement of technical and economic indicators.

Construction material resources





- residential buildings

- social facilities

- health care facilities

- infrastructure facilities



- mineral - raw materials

- secondary raw materials

- water raw materials

- energy raw materials



- materials

- cars

- building

- products

- equipment

- facilities

- constructions

- transp. Wed-va

- nodes

- instruments

Material resources are simultaneously involved in production and are fully consumed in each production cycle. From an economic point of view, they relate to working capital and transfer their value immediately to the finished object, which included.

Technical resources - a set of material values, parts of the means of production, which are involved in production and serve it for a long time in many production cycles. In the production process, they retain their original form and in parts transfer their value to the products made with their participation or with the participation of their services. From a production and economic point of view, these resources constitute the active and passive parts. The active part consists of the means of labor, and the passive part consists of buildings and structures that facilitate the conditions for normal operation.

Non-productive resources - they function in the non-productive sphere and form the building infrastructure in terms of meeting the social and living necessities of the workers of the building organization.

Natural resources - cover the area of ​​stocks of raw materials for construction, which are limited and exhaustible.

Each company is associated with others as a consumer through the procurement market and as a manufacturer through the sales market. MTS is conducted under direct contracts, through the wholesale trade in materials, products, commodity exchanges, territorial bases of supply and management of production and technological equipment. Wholesale trade is carried out through permanent wholesale bases, commodity exchanges and wholesale fairs. They can be territorial and specialized, where entrepreneurs can sell their products, raw materials. On commodity exchanges, the purchase and sale of goods is made on samples and standards in large batches.

Territorial-raw stock exchanges (TSB) is a permanently operating commercial enterprise equipped for receiving, shipping and storing goods and raw materials, and specialize in industries (for example, for construction) and on goods. Some exchanges may be universal. Exchange transactions can be cash at which payment and transfer of goods occurs immediately or within 2-3 days, or urgent , at which operations are performed within a certain period. The price of a commodity on a TSB depends on the exchange conjuncture, i.e. on their scarcity and quality, delivery volumes.

Management of production and technological equipment (UPTK) with the main functions:

- supply, i.e. the acquisition of material resources;

- processing - production function;

- delivery to objects in technological sequence in conjunction with the production work.


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Organization, management and planning in construction