15. The family of arts and architecture design.

  15. The family of arts and architecture design.

Art as a manifestation of the aesthetic development of Universum, nature, society, culture. Universum and art as a cultural phenomenon. Nature and art. Society and art. Dialectics of the relationship between society and art. Art and Cultural Environment. Prospects for the role of art in society.

Art is a creative and aesthetic orientation of a person in the world. Art as an aesthetic phenomenon. Axiological nature of art.

The origin and nature of art. Historical versions in aesthetic culture. Historical conditionality of the emergence and development of art forms. The main functions of art, its purpose. Art history and the problem of the progress of art. Classic art and postmodern art.

Principles of classification of types of art; nature and specific types of art.

Monofunctional arts: sculpture, painting, graphics, literature, music, choreography. Their interaction. Their nature and specificity.

Bifunctional arts: architecture, decorative and applied, design. Essence and place in the arts system.

Synthetic art forms: theater, cinema, television.

Art is a complex, open, self-developing system. Art as an eternity and constant variability. Art - "energy vortex" and "magic crystal". Art is always a choice, an experiment, a simulation. Art is a new reality, a special reality; man-made reality. Art as harmony and integrity measures of man and the universe.

Art is always a surprise. "Event" art. Art is a specific way of expressing the emotions of an individual.

Architecture, design - in the arts system. Architecture, design - an artistic phenomenon. "Special" in architecture and design as artistic phenomena.

Architecture, design - synergistic systems.

Global in architecture. Architecture as a symbol of the universe. Socio-aesthetic landmarks of architecture and their perspective. Place of design in society. Aesthetic features of the organization of open space. Design architectural environment and design development trends.

Universal and personal in architecture, design. National and regional architectural means.

Modern ideas about the role and purpose of architecture and design.

The role and importance of architecture in the Cultural Environment. Nature and architecture. Historical estimates and projections. Place of design in the arts system.

Synthesis of art in architecture. The synthesis of architecture with nature, society, culture as a phenomenon of aesthetic and artistic. The interaction of architecture and design. Synthesizing capabilities of architecture.


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Aesthetics of architecture and design