This type of insulation is characterized by the use of flexible materials and products, namely, mineral felt, aluminum foil and similar materials.
Felt technical coarse wool is made from a mixture of pet hair. Apply as thermal insulation of cold water pipelines. Before use, the material should be impregnated with a moth antiseptic and a fire retardant.
Mineral felt insulation is arranged in one or several layers. With single-layer insulation, the studs are fastened on the insulated surface, and the felt is wound by piercing and pinning on the studs. The covering layer of metal mesh is fixed on the same studs.
Multilayer insulation is applied to the studs of the appropriate length. Felt roll with overlapping overlapping underlying layers. On top of metal
mesh arrange insulating and vapor-insulating layer of aluminum foil. Insulation of pipelines with mats of mineral wool includes the following processes: laying products with fitting in place; fastening products with wire rings; sealing of seams with the waste of these products, stitching the joints and additional fastening of the products with wire rings or bandages. Products are placed on the surface of the pipeline in one or two layers with overlapping seams and secured with retaining rings made from packing tape or steel wire with a diameter of 1.2 ... 2 mm. Mounts set every 500 mm (Fig. 20.4). When insulating pipelines with mineral wool mats in metal mesh plates, the longitudinal seams should be sewn with wire along the entire length. For pipes with a diameter of more than 600 mm, cross seams are also stitched. This insulation is applicable at temperatures from-180 to + 450 ° С. |
Fig. 20.4. Insulation with mineral wool pier mats: a- pipelines; b - flat surfaces; 1- mineral wool mats; 2-wire suspension; 3-bandage; 4- wire stitching; 5- installed and secured pins; 6 - pins after mounting the insulating layer |
Insulation of pipelines with mineral wool slabs on a synthetic binder is allowed within the temperature range from - 60 to +400 ° С. The composition of the processes includes the laying of mineral wool plates on hangers or wire ties, fastening the plates with retaining rings and sealing joints. Plates are mounted in one, two and three layers with overlapping seams. Each layer of plates is fixed with retaining rings with a pitch of 450 ... 500 mm.
The combined isolation is let out in the form of rolls. It includes aluminum foil with mineral felt glued onto it. The advantage of insulation is that it practically does not require additional fastenings, thanks to the foil, the thickness of the protective layer is guaranteed at any place of the section, it is possible to apply insulation in several layers.
The advantage of enveloping and combined insulation is the ability to perform work in all weather conditions, but preferably under a canopy.
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