Transport planning Transport frame

  Transport planning  Transport frame

Transport planning - determining directions for the development of the city’s transport system, in order to provide objectively determined needs for the movement of goods and population throughout the city. [1]

Transport planning, in most cases, does not act as an independent activity, but is present in the composition of various works and projects. Transport planning should be studied by specialists who design and build roads, transport infrastructure facilities, transport organization and management, traffic management specialists, city planners and others.


  • 1Transport planning. General information
  • 2Main indicators of the quality of transport models
  • 3 Modern approaches to transport planning and traffic management in cities
    • 3.1 Creating a model of the transport proposal
    • 3.2 Creating a model of transport demand
    • 3.3 Modern directions for the study of transport systems
  • 4City and transport
    • 4.1 City Classification
  • 5 Evaluation and forecast of demand for the use of elements of the transport system
  • 6 Ensuring the sustainable functioning of the transport system
    • 6.1 Understanding and criteria for sustainable functioning [6]
  • 7Notes
  • 8 Literature
  • 9Sm. also
  • 10Links

Transport planning General information

Transport policy is an official declaration of objectives, principles and a general course of action, defined for the transport system. [1]

Transport system - a complex of various types of transport, means of communication, transport infrastructure, which are in interaction and interdependence in the process of transportation. [1]

Transport maintenance of the territory - provision of the territory with transport infrastructure objects (external transport system, street-road network, public transport, pedestrian infrastructure, places of service, storage and parking of vehicles, etc.) [2].

The level of the territory transport service is a relative characteristic based on a comparison of the actual and standard values ​​of the indicators of the territory transport service (indicators of availability, functioning, condition, etc.) [2].
The street-road network (UDS) is a common use area designed to ensure the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, to provide transport and pedestrian connections to the territories of settlements. The elements of the UDS include: streets, avenues, lanes, driveways, embankments, squares, sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle lanes, artificial structures, elements of arrangement, etc.

Transport network - a set of streets, roads, squares, road structures, suitable in their technical condition for the movement of rolling stock of road transport.

The transport frame of the territory is the territorial complex of the UDS of settlements, highways in inter-settlement territories, water, air, railway communication networks, networks of off-street urban transport, junction and terminal facilities (ports, berths, stations, passenger and cargo stations, airports, airfields) independently on their ownership status.

Transport infrastructure - a set of communications, technological facilities and elements of the arrangement, intended for the movement of people with the use of means of communication and without them.

The main indicators of the quality of transport models

The main indicators of the quality of transport models:

1. Model size (statistics).


- knots (in addition - detailing of knots: consideration of the method of regulating the intersection, different delays for turning maneuvers);

- segments;

- adjunctions;

- transport areas;

- points of OT stops;

- OT routes.

2. Detailing the model of transport demand.

- the number of modes (IT or OT);

- the number of transport systems (IT - LA, HA, OT - bus, tram, trolleybus);

- the number of demand layers;

- the number of preferences used (one for different layers of demand or different).

3. Quality of model calculation results.


- the number of places of counting;

- correlation coefficient;

- average relative error;

- average absolute error.

Thus, the proposed indicators of the quality of transport models allow us to estimate both the volume and quality of the initial data used to create the model, and the quality of the model’s functioning, i.e. the degree of its reliability. [3]

  Transport planning  Transport frame

figure 1 - Transport planning-interdisciplinary activities

Modern approaches to transport planning and traffic management in cities

Creating a transport offer model

The transport proposal includes the infrastructure of transport systems that are included in the transport model. The main transport systems in transport models are usually individual transport and urban public transport. It should be noted that in the localized version of PTV Vision® VISUM, the term “public transport” is used instead of the term “urban public passenger transport”. Therefore, for convenience, we will call the system “public transport” for convenience. The main elements of the transport offer for the individual transport system are:

• “nodes” (nodes) - intersections, intersections;

• “links” (links) - sections of the road network;

• “transport areas” (zones) - sources and purposes of correspondence;

• “connectors” - connect the centers of transport areas with a network of individual and public transport.

For the public transport system in addition to these elements are added:

• stops of public transport (stops);

• public transport routes (lines).

Creating a transport demand model

In the course of building a model of transport demand, sources and targets of traffic are determined, parameters of transport mobility of the population are introduced, matrices of correspondence are formed by means of transport and the goals of transport correspondence. Transport demand is determined by indicators of transport mobility of the population. Unlike the transport proposal, which is fairly easily formalized, it is understandable and can be structured in detail, the concepts of "transport demand" and "population mobility" need to be more deeply understood. [4]

Modern directions of transport systems research

Without addressing the general issues of urban urban planning, research has developed in the field of traffic. This topic also has a lot of independent research directions, which today have become separate areas of scientific knowledge. In relation to cities, these studies have involved scientists from various fields of science — physicists, mathematicians, biologists, and economists — into their orbit. The science of traffic included the main areas: monitoring, modeling, integrated transport security, logistics.

The works of Russian scientists dealing with the issues of transport planning of cities, designing the street-road network, determining the technical parameters of the main roads along which the public passenger transport moves are modern. These studies are incorporated in many papers. They concern the issues of experimental and theoretical research, mathematical modeling of transport flows.

In the field of management of transport systems interesting works of domestic and foreign scientists involved in the design of traffic management systems. They addressed the issues of traffic control at intersections, flow control at the junctions of secondary roads to highways.

Of the works devoted to the development of urban transport systems, one should highlight the new methods for forecasting transport demand of the population, justify the level of development of transport systems and their integrated assessment, reveal the role of transport systems of cities and regions in the life of society, the impact of the transport framework on the formation settlement, formulated proposals for improving the regulatory framework for the development of transport systems. When identifying patterns of functioning and development of urban transport systems, researchers consider the problems of individual types of transport in the general structure, the formation of a vehicle fleet, the consequences of transport impact on the environment, ensuring sustainable development of the transport system, problems of urban transport planning, and telematics issues. [5]

City and transport

City classification

A settlement in Russia can acquire the status of a city if at least 12 thousand people live in it, and at least 85% of the population is employed outside agriculture. However, in Russia there are quite a few (208 out of 1092) cities with a population of less than 12 thousand people. Their city status is associated with historical factors and a change in population. In the 90s. in the Russian Federation there were over 1030 cities in which 73% of the population, or 108.5 million people, lived [2] [6].

Groups of cities Population, thous. Specific amount,%
Small <50 74.93
Average 51−100 11.51
Large 101-250 7.49
Large 251−500 3.47
Largest 501-2000 2.42
Especially large > 2000 0.18

In Russia, the growth of residents over the past 20 years is observed in 44% of cities (among cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people). The growth rate of the population of the largest cities fluctuates between 10–15%. Millionaire cities have growth rates not exceeding 5%. Only Moscow differs with a share of a gain of 20.15%. From the presented data it is clear that not all cities of Russia are subject to global trends in the growth of urban population. Currently, there are 13 millionaire cities in Russia, 25 largest cities, 37 large cities, large cities - 91, 155 medium-sized cities, 781 small cities [2] [6].

Evaluation and forecast of demand for the use of elements of the transport system

With the growth of industrial production and an increase in the standard of living, the mobility and mobility of the population, the volumes and distance of transportation, which largely determine the social and economic development of society, are accelerating. The mobility of goods, the mobility of the population largely determine the efficiency of the economic system and the social conditions of life of the population. Man's need for movement is largely determined by:

  • - the level of development of society;
  • - social structure;
  • - way of life;
  • - the nature of the settlement on the territory of the city;
  • - free time and real incomes of the population;
  • - cultural and everyday needs;
  • - concentration of residences and places of work;
  • - urban growth, etc.

Movement of a person can be pedestrian and transport (on individual or public transport). In the case of a combination of several ways of movement or modes of transport, they are called complex or combined.
Any movements are carried out in accordance with a specific purpose: labor, educational, cultural, household, service.
Labor - trips to work, from work. These movements are the most stable and make up 50–60% in cities.
Educational - trips of pupils, students to educational institutions and vice versa. The proportion of movement, in accordance with this goal, is 15−25%.
Cultural and household - trips for various personal and household needs, which are episodic and dependent on income, social status, occupation, age, etc.
Service — trips during business hours when needed or in the performance of official duties.
The need for movement is called transport demand. It is expressed in the form of passenger traffic, cargo traffic, pedestrian traffic, traffic and traffic volumes, and total mobility of the population. Moreover, the entire infrastructure of urban transport, rolling stock and other components (or a set of parameters characterizing them) is a transport offer. The relationship between transport demand and supply differs from the diagram known in the market economy. In this case, supply greatly stimulates demand, i.e. With a qualitative modernization of the transport system or its individual elements, there is always an increase in certain indicators of transport demand.
The choice of the mode of transportation, the type of transport and the degree of their use depend on a number of factors: social (social status, marital status, belonging to the reference group), personal (age, stage of the family life cycle, occupation, economic status, lifestyle, self-image) ), cultural (culture, subculture, belonging to a social class), psychological (motivation), the state of development of the transport system, the quality of transport service of the territory, level of motorization, distance Vision and others.
The results of sociological studies show that 75% of car owners use an individual car less than 3 times a week to travel around cultural and everyday goals, and 60% of car owners use an individual car 4-6 times a week when traveling for work purposes. Survey results also show that 35% of citizens buy a car for country trips on weekends, 20% for trips on vacation, 12% for household needs, and 2% succumbed to the dictates of the times. With a ride length of less than 5km and over 30km, most car owners use public transport, while traveling up to 30km they use their own car. If the duration of the trip exceeds 40min., Then the frequency of use of a car increases by 62.5 times. In case of a win in travel time by bus of 10%, the degree of use of an individual car is reduced by 7%.
The growth of the welfare of the population stimulates the process of automobilization, in which a person refuses to use public transport. The attractiveness, popularity and interest in public transport among the population also largely depends on attention to the issues of its effective development and financing.
The number of movements per resident per unit of time (intensity of movement) is called population mobility. The mobility of the population is the most generalized indicator characterizing the demand for the use of the transport system, since all movements are carried out within it. Therefore, there are several indicators of mobility, reflecting the amount of movement in various ways and on different types of transport.
The older a person is, the lower his level of mobility in public transport during labor travel. The basic basis of all labor movements is the economically active part of the population: workers, employees, entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs prefer a car (individual or company), and workers and employees almost equally use all the means of transport and means of movement available to them. The level of mobility and the choice of mode of movement are also affected by the level of employment. Unemployed and disabled people have the lowest mobility. The most popular way of movement of these social groups is public transport. This once again confirms its social significance.
It is more effective to carry out the forecast of mobility indicators in accordance with the trend built on the values ​​of observations over the past few years. There are various methods and systems, but mobility indicators are very sensitive to socio-economic transformations and characteristics.

Ensuring the sustainable functioning of the transport system

The concept and criteria for sustainable functioning [6]

Recently, they are increasingly talking about sustainable transport systems, combining them with the term sustainable transport. There are many definitions of sustainability. In most cases, it is associated with the degree of negative impact of transport on the environment and humans.
The sustainability of the transport system will be understood as the accessibility and satisfaction of the needs of society for movement, without harming the ecosystem, while ensuring stable and reliable functioning. The stability of the system is achieved by managing the state, demand, development and access. First of all, it is provided in the design and implementation. However, the life cycle of many transport systems is quite long, and the carrying and carrying capacity is limited, so it is very important to monitor the processes of the system. The stability of the transport system is a guarantee of its safety, environmental friendliness, efficiency, reliability, etc. Any transport system is a dynamic system. Its stability is influenced by internal and external factors.
The level of transport problems is influenced by: growth in population size and density, increase in the number of own cars and the degree of their use, growth in mobility and business activity of the population, parameters of the VDS, transport infrastructure, etc. Each of these factors has its own characteristics in different regions and cities, but the most serious problems arise in the presence and high dynamics of several of them.


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