Introduction The subject of aesthetics. Cultural environment and aesthetic and artistic values ​​of architecture and design.

Introduction  The subject of aesthetics.  Cultural environment and aesthetic and artistic values ​​of architecture and design.

Architecture and design - the most important area of ​​aesthetic relationships. Aesthetics - a system of knowledge about the value orientation of a person in the world. The main criteria of aesthetic orientation (harmony, measure, integrity, rhythm, ideal) and their value awareness in aesthetic categories: sublime, heroic, tragic, comic, ugly, base, harmonic, artistic measure, etc. Aesthetic and artistic. The basic concepts of the subject of aesthetics at various stages of the history of world culture. Aesthetics and other sciences (philosophy, art history, psychology, mythology, theory of architecture, natural sciences, art, architecture, design). The place and role of aesthetics in the general process of the development of artistic culture.

Introduction  The subject of aesthetics.  Cultural environment and aesthetic and artistic values ​​of architecture and design.

Architecture is an aesthetic and artistic phenomenon. Architectural, design creativity - as an artistic process. Architect - Artist. Artistry of architecture, architectural creativity, architect - the essence of architecture. "Aesthetic" in architecture, in architectural works, in the architect is the basis of the birth of "artistry".

Aesthetics is a philosophical-theoretical system of ideas about the specific value orientation of a person in the world. The essence of "aesthetic" - subject-object relations. The specifics of the "aesthetic" - value relations based on criteria: integrity, harmony, measure, rhythm and their derivatives. The place of aesthetic values ​​in the "picture of the world", in the "world of imagination", in the system of common cultural values.

The concept of " aesthetic ", its origin and interpretation in the history of culture. The many faces and multifunctionality of the "aesthetic".

Aesthetic principles - the fundamental basis of the organization and functioning of the Universe and its components. Universality of aesthetic principles of shaping. Aesthetic principles - the basis of the formation of the architect and designer. Aesthetic principles of shaping architecture and design: integrity , harmony , measure , rhythm.

Aesthetic criteria - benchmarks and assessments of the creative activity of the architect and designer. Value expression (embodiment) of aesthetic values ​​in the categories: sublime, heroic, tragic, comic, ugly, vile, harmonic, artistic measure, etc. "Aesthetic", "artistic" and "beautiful" kinship, connection and specificity of these concepts.

Fundamental and universal aesthetic principles of shaping architecture and design. Dominant criteria of aesthetic orientation (harmony, measure, integrity, rhythm, ideal, spirituality).

The aesthetic principles of shaping architecture and design are the basis for the birth of an artistic image.

The artistic image is an essential element of architecture and design. The artistic image of architecture, design creativity as a "chronicle of its time" and "confession of the creator."

The artistic image is the result of professional possession of constructive, functional, aesthetic principles of shaping and artistic means of architecture and design.

The artistic image is the carrier of novelty and originality, uniqueness, expressiveness, “infectiousness”, attractiveness of architecture and design.

Cultural Environment as historical systems of common cultural values ​​Cultural Environment: a person's value ideas about the Universe, nature, society, man, his activity, culture, art. Historical value systems: the ancient oriental value system (DVTS), European, Atlantic (global) value system (EC). The formation of a new value system at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries.

Cultural Environment - a system of core values ​​that initiates human creativity. Cultural environment and aesthetic relationships.

Professionally significant values ​​of architectural and design activities: space, time, nature, material, form.

Cultural environment and creative activities of the architect, designer.

Creative personality and architectural design design. Aesthetic and artistic features of the creative personality of the architect, designer.

"Openness" of a creative person. The creative personality of the architect, designer and her “dialogue-dialogue” with the Cultural Environment.

The creative process of architectural and design design. The creative process is a mobile, complex, changing, non-equilibrium system. Types of creative design.

Aesthetic and artistic principles of creativity of the architect and designer.

The role of aesthetics in the formation of the general and artistic culture of the architect and designer, their professional skills. The main trends and current problems of the development of the aesthetic culture of the present and future and the prospects of architecture and design in the III millennium.


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Aesthetics of architecture and design