Business planning is a relatively new concept, which in recent years has attracted increasing attention of managers and specialists of small businesses in Russia. In the leading countries of the world, a business plan is a desktop document of any entrepreneur, a form of protecting one’s interests in banks, investment funds, corporations, a rationale for a risk-taking idea, an innovation project that is submitted for targeted financing. The business plan in recent years has become an indispensable attribute of all forms of business cooperation, business commitments.

Achieving each entrepreneur's understanding of the special role of business planning, its purpose, its place in business activity is one of the most important tasks to be accomplished in the course of economic reform in Russia.

In the domestic practice, the “Feasibility Study” (TEO) of the project has become widespread, and many people often believe that this is the same as the business plan. Yes, a feasibility study is an important component of a business plan, but in no way does it cover the whole range of issues that should be covered in a business plan.

Business planning is widely used in the business environment, but its role in the field of innovation, aimed at creating new technologies, equipment and materials, is especially important.

A business plan is a document that convincingly states that your business can provide a sale of such a quantity of products (services) that is sufficient for obtaining an acceptable profit, and that it can be attractive for those who could invest their money in the enterprise.

Business plan:

- indicates in which direction the company will act;

- determines the strategy for success;

- provides for measures to achieve the goals;

- allows you to quickly respond to changing conditions.

The business plan answers the questions:

- What is this idea?

- Who are you and why can you contribute to the successful implementation of this idea?

- Who else is needed to implement this idea?

- Who will need your products (services) and what are the prospects for the market?

- What capital investment is required (real numbers)?

A business plan will help you:

- in obtaining bank loans;

- in search of funds that could participate in the development of your enterprise;

- in the conclusion of the most important cooperation agreements;

- in the conclusion of large contracts;

- in attracting key specialists to work in the company;

- in deciding on the acquisition of a company or association.

A properly prepared business plan ultimately answers the question: “Is it worth it to invest money in this business and will it bring revenues that will pay back all the costs, manpower and money?”

The purpose of a business plan is to help entrepreneurs and economists to solve the following tasks:

- to study the capacity and development prospects of the future market;

- assess the costs that will be necessary for the manufacture and sale of products needed by this market, and match them with the prices at which you can sell your goods in order to determine the potential profitability of the planned business;

- to find all sorts of "pitfalls" that await a new business in the first years of its implementation;

- to determine those signals, those indicators by which it will be possible to determine regularly - whether the matter is going up, or is heading for collapse.

A business plan includes goals and objectives that you set for your company, an enterprise, both immediate and promising. It also includes an assessment of the current moment, strengths and weaknesses of your business, market analysis and information about your customers.

It sets out the market opportunities, the details of the operation of the enterprise in these conditions. Finally, the business plan provides an assessment of the resources needed to achieve your goals in a competitive environment.

A well-developed and coordinated plan is a means of raising the capital necessary for business development, a means by which you can control production and manage your business. It should not be forgotten that a private business in a market economy involves not only the possibility of getting rich, but also the danger of losing the money invested in the business, as well as personal property that can be confiscated by a court decision to pay off debts.

From an unpleasant situation of this kind is now not guaranteed and large enterprises that can not rely on state subsidies and for which the term "bankruptcy" also acquires a very real sound.

Therefore, every economist, every manager with a business plan must be “on you”.

A business plan is a promising document and it is recommended to develop it for 3-5 years ahead.

At the same time, for the first year it is recommended to calculate the indicators in a monthly breakdown, for the second - in the quarterly and only starting from the third year it can be limited only to annual indicators.

The whole planning process is as follows:

1 - making a decision on creating your own business or implementing a new commercial project;

2 - analysis of own capabilities and the ability to take up the implementation of the planned project;

3 - the choice of a product or service, the production (creation) of which will be the goal of the project;

4 - study of the possible market;

5 - forecasting sales volumes (monthly for the first year, quarterly for the second);

6 - choice of place for commercial or industrial activity;

7 - development of a production plan;

8 - development of a marketing plan;

9 - development of an organizational plan;

10 - development of a legal framework for future commercial activities;

11 - addressing the issue of accounting;

12 - insurance issues;

13 - development of a financial plan;

14 - writing a summary of the business plan.


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Organization, management and planning in construction