In the majority of documents, scientific and methodical publications, the ecological frame is understood as a system of ecologically interconnected natural territories, which is characterized by two features:
1) the ability to maintain ecological balance in the region;
2) protection by environmental measures, corresponding to the loads on nature.
Unlike the ecological frame, the natural frame necessarily has only the first of these signs, and the ecological network - only the second of them.
Why exactly the system of interconnected natural territories stabilizes the ecological balance?
Thanks to its ability to heal itself, natural communities are taking on the instability we create. This is achieved due to the natural biological diversity of living beings. However, the self-healing reserves of natural communities are far from unlimited. If the load on the ecosystem exceeds the permissible limit, then it collapses, and its former location becomes a factor in environmental degradation. The risk is especially great for small, isolated from each other natural communities. Therefore, the preservation of the functional integrity of the living cover of the Earth is necessary for the continued existence and sustainable development of mankind.
Like any system, the ecological framework has a rather complex structure.
Key areas are areas of independent environmental value. To preserve them, they create specially protected natural areas (PAs) - reserves, national and natural parks, reserves, etc.
Transit territories are the areas through which ecological links between key territories are made. They can be large areas of the landscape between key territories (the “connecting landscape”) that do not interfere with the ecological relations. These may be linear elements of the landscape (river valleys, etc.), called "ecological corridors". Sometimes, finally, ecological links between key areas provide "fragmented transit areas", that is, a group of topographically separated areas (for example, stopping places for migratory birds).
Buffer territories protect key and transit territories from adverse external influences. They are usually given the status of protected zones.
In some places, the natural framework must not only be preserved, but also restored. In this case, the ecological framework includes areas of ecological restoration that, after restoration, perform the functions of transit, buffer, or even key territories.

Natural and ecological framework of the territory

- the basis of the adoption of urban planning decisions in the composition of the documents of the territorial planning of municipalities

D.Z. Gridnev,
Leading Specialist of the Department of Urban Planning and Audit of the Territories of the Institute of Urban Ecology

Creating the conditions for a favorable environment for human activity, rational use of natural resources, preservation of unique natural territories and their ecosystems are the most important tasks of territorial planning. The natural-ecological framework is a tool for creating these conditions and a basis for making decisions on the development of a territory.

At present, the territorial planning of municipalities is one of the priorities in the strategy of administrative and economic management of the territories of the Russian Federation. Existing regulatory documents on the preparation of territorial planning projects contain a list of necessary issues that should be considered at various stages of design, but they do not take into account aspects relating to the development of the territory in terms of the sustainability of natural processes before economic development.

Each economic entity should understand that without taking into account the natural-ecological territorial systems in the process of planning the development of a territory it is impossible to achieve the main goal of spatial planning - the formation of a comfortable and favorable living environment for the population. Therefore, the adoption of economically feasible, environmentally acceptable and socially sound management decisions is impossible without the development of the natural-ecological framework (PEC) - the guarantor of sustainable development of the territory of the municipality.

The natural-ecological framework is a complex co-ordinated system of interconnected natural components, giving systematic analytical information about the quality and significance of natural and nature-like territorial complexes. The PEC project is a decision-making tool for territorial planning.

The development of PEC is especially important for municipalities with:

  • high natural and recreational potential of the territory;
  • high value natural-territorial complexes and ecosystems (for example, PAs of regional and federal significance);
  • a high degree of tension of environmental conflicts in the territory (for example, between large-scale industries with voluminous emissions into the environment and the interests of the local population);
  • high population density;
  • a high degree of disturbance of the territory (for example, the presence of spent mineral deposits on the territory, foci of increased background pollution of environmental components, etc.).

The development of the PEC of each municipality of the Russian Federation must take place within the framework of territorial planning at all levels of administrative-territorial division in order to observe the hierarchy and create an integral territorial system of PEC. The creation of such a system is possible only under the condition of an integrated approach to its formation. This is especially important in the framework of territorial planning, since the interconnection of design solutions in different areas of territorial systems (transport, engineering, functional planning, etc.) must be carried out together with the system of ecological organization of the territory - the natural-ecological framework.

In order to effectively manage the development of the territory at the decision-making level by the municipal administrations, it is important to build a system of quality criteria for the structure and functioning of the PEC.

The natural-ecological framework is a formation characterized by a spatial structure and vertical layering. In its structure there are elements that are different in function, environmental value and usage regulations. PEC performs its functions in the presence of appropriate legal, economic and management mechanisms that should be associated with the economic infrastructure and environmental management technologies. In the space of the municipality PEC should occupy a considerable area - at least 25% of its territory.

In the structure of the PEC system, the main and minor elements are distinguished (Scheme 1). The main elements create an integral natural-ecological structure of the territory. They perform the function of regulating the ecological state, maintaining biological diversity and functioning of the flow systems in the territory. The secondary elements of the PEC support the functioning of the main elements or perform environmental functions at the local level, without ensuring the “operability” of the PEC as an integral territorial system.

The main elements of the PEC

The basic elements are environment-forming territories that perform water-regulating, water- and soil-protective functions and ensure the maintenance of the ecological balance by maintaining the necessary quality parameters of regional natural-territorial complexes (reproduction of biota, preservation of the gene pool, phytoncide production, etc.).

In the composition of the basic elements stand out:

  • valuable natural-territorial complexes occupying a significant part of the territory of the region (as a rule, these are federal reserves and reserves, national and natural parks, large monuments of nature in terms of area);
  • natural-territorial complexes of the main watershed surfaces of the formation of river flows;
  • large forest tracts (as a rule, these are protective forests);
  • large marsh and forest natural-territorial complexes (PTK) that do not have protection status.

Key elements are areas that have preserved unique ecological communities that are “points of ecological activity”. They carry out the functions of protection and reproduction of the NTC and support biodiversity at the district level. Key territories can be either parts of basic elements or independent entities. As part of the key elements stand out:

  • indigenous forest PTK, retaining its natural appearance;
  • valuable swamp PTK;
  • catenas and watersheds of small rivers and streams;
  • unique or preserved typical natural objects, tracts or terrain.

Transit elements are territories that provide the interconnection between the basic and key elements of the PEC. They contribute to the functioning of streaming systems, the migration of animals, the spread of plant formations, the development and enrichment of basic and key PTC. In the composition of transit elements stand out:

  • valley PTK of large and small rivers;
  • beds of rivers, streams and ravines;
  • gully network;
  • forest PTC watersheds;
  • forest belts and woods.

Secondary elements of the PEC

Local elements are small nature monuments of various profiles; green areas of small settlements; protected objects of inanimate nature; Historical and cultural monuments are nodes of environmental activity, uniting the most diverse objects. The task of local elements of PEC is the protection of unique objects of nature and material culture, the implementation of economic aesthetic and social functions.

Buffer elements are areas that protect basic and transit elements from adverse external influences. Usually they are given the status of protected zones. These include specially protected natural areas (PAs); resort areas; protection zones of balneological objects, etc .; sanitary protection zones; mining protection zones; water intake protection zones. Buffer zones are created to minimize external influences on PEC elements and provide its additional stability.

Rehabilitation elements are territories for optimization and restoration of lost ecological functions of geosystems. Such elements of PEC are widespread only in some cities of our country. For example, as the cities grow, the quarries are re-cultivated, endowed with recreational functions and incorporated into their natural system. The PEC rehabilitation elements also include lands that have not yet lost their ecological value and can be restored either by renewing certain methods of landscape care (for example, haymaking on abandoned and zakumterenny areas of floodplains), or by removing some types of anthropogenic influences (termination grazing within the valuable forest).

Role of PEC in the system of management decision making

The development of the PEC should be carried out from the positions that determine the conditions for the development of territories as independent municipalities, taking into account their role in the settlement systems in certain physiographic and environmental conditions. It is necessary to identify the features of the planning and economic structures of municipalities, in particular their position in the flow systems of various ranks. The management of the territory through the development of the PEC system should be based on the accurate mapping of its elements and the rationale for each selected contour so as not to create unreasonable obstacles to other forms of development of the territory.

The role of the PEC in the system of making well-founded town-planning decisions in the field of territorial planning is reflected in Scheme 2. Within the framework of territorial planning, various types of spatial organization of the territory have been developed and used for a long time: designing the transport and engineering framework of the territory, locating residential, industrial, social and business areas buildings, etc. However, the natural and ecological features of the territory are usually taken into account indirectly. As of today, within the framework of territorial planning there are no clear guidelines on the ecological territorial organization of municipalities. This led to the emergence of territories with a high degree of environmental stress and the degradation of the TAP, as well as to the emergence of conflict situations due to the deterioration of the quality of the living environment of a person.

The introduction of the PEC design procedure into the composition of territorial planning documents makes it possible to regulate the degree of anthropogenic impact on the landscape and prevent conflict situations. This becomes possible because the PEC begins to participate in the system of land and property relations in the territory, thereby regulating the process of rational land use of the municipality.

The purpose of the development of the PEC is to create a tool necessary to determine the conditions for the development of territories and plan activities and costs for their implementation. It is crucial that the PEC is a tool that must fit into the modern system of management decision-making. The development of the PEC system allows you to prevent the negative consequences of high investment activity from the position of combining economic, social and environmental interests, otherwise the cost of eliminating its results will make investments in the development of the territory unprofitable.

The natural-ecological framework is projected at the intermediate stage of the development of the territorial planning document, together with the design of the transport and engineering framework of the territory, the allocation of points of economic growth, the formation of a settlement system and the calculation of the prospective population. After a comprehensive analysis and comparison of the obtained design solutions in the industry sectors, integral design solutions are being developed for the development of the territory, where the PEC system is on a par with the project proposals in the field of economic development and infrastructures. Thus, the PEC system has a direct impact on the adoption of environmentally sound design decisions on the strategic development of the territory of the municipality.

PEC development example

An example of the development of the PEC as part of a territorial planning document is a draft master plan for the urban settlement of Solnechnaya Dolina, the satellite city of Chelyabinsk, carried out by specialists from the Research and Design Institute EG.

Sunny Valley is located in the Sosnovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, 10 km west of the center of Chelyabinsk. In order to take into account all external factors of influence, project studies were conducted not only within the boundaries of future development with an area of ​​1.5 thousand hectares, but also in the territories adjacent to them. The total area of ​​the planning area was about 4 thousand hectares (the area of ​​forest and water bodies forming the landscape complex was 2.5 thousand hectares). At the beginning of the design were carried out:

  • detailed integrated landscape-ecological analysis of the territory;
  • evaluation of the current land use structure;
  • the allocation of zones with special conditions of use of the territory.

Thanks to these studies, the PEC of the Solar Valley was developed (Scheme 3), based on the spatial interaction of the natural components of the territory. Its data formed the basis for the formation of proposals for the functional-planning organization of the territory in the scheme of the General Plan of the Solar Valley, the functional zones of which were identified taking into account the structure of PEC elements. The designers have developed recommendations for creating a unified system of green areas (Fig. 4), and also made a list of measures for the arrangement of recreational areas and landscaping of the mammoth territories.

The master plan of the Solar Valley takes into account all the natural and environmental features of the territory. During its development, each component of the natural landscape was reviewed and preserved. The planning structure of the urban settlement was built on the basis of the selected elements of the PEK, which became the basis of the marketing strategy for the development of the settlement, positioning Sunny Valley as a residential area with design solutions to create a comfortable and environmentally friendly living environment for the population.

Thus, the approach to the development of territorial planning documents by creating a model of the natural-ecological framework proposed by NIIPI EG makes it possible to give the projected territories maximum investment attractiveness by creating comfortable living conditions on them.

  Ecological frame

Химки, Московская агломерация, Россия.

  Ecological frame

Токио, Япония.

  Ecological frame

Схема 1. Функциональная структура ПЭК.

  Ecological frame

Схема 2. Роль ПЭК в системе принятия решений территориального планирования.

  Ecological frame

Схема 3. Фрагмент схемы ПЭК городского поселения Солнечная Долина.

  Ecological frame

Fig. 4. Организация системы зелёных насаждений городского поселения Солнечная Долина.

Общие черты концепции экологического каркаса

"Искусство садовода должно сообразоваться в каждом случае с природой почвы, с характером местности, со свойствами климата... На Сиракузской равнине пришлый земледелец, удалив камни с поля, терял свой урожай в грязи, пока не положил камни обратно".

Плиний Старший
("Естественная история", 70 г.)

The need to adopt a new, effective system of actions to improve the "steppe economy" is dictated by the dire situation and the new situation. Under these conditions, the old methods will not help us, and to bring the steppe nature management out of the crisis, a change of strategy is necessary.
In general terms, the new environmental management strategy in the steppes should, on the one hand, slow down the ecological crisis of the steppe zone, stabilize the situation, eliminating the shortcomings of the previous environmental management systems. On the other hand, it must be viable and practically effective, operating in modern economic conditions.
In our opinion, farming in the steppe zone should proceed from the natural features of the steppe and most closely correspond to its conditions, and not make attempts at a rough and quick rework of nature. The main stabilizing role should be performed by a network of natural territories with a certain mode of their use, which could function stably as a whole, neutralizing anthropogenic impacts on the landscape and preventing its degradation.
Ecological optimization of the landscape and its structure should be carried out by the state, which, with the help of administrative and economic leverage, can affect land owners and users; the key role should be played by the State Committee on Ecology and the State Land Committee. The farms themselves do not have the means and opportunities for this. There is an urgent need to adopt a targeted federal state program in the field of steppe environmental management. In modern economic conditions, it should be carried out at the expense of the funds available in the regions, and should be supported by organizations directly working in specific territories - district administrations, farmers, non-governmental organizations.
As such a strategy, which can form the basis of the state program, we propose an approach developed in recent years, called the “ecological framework”. It appeared as an attempt to integrate various approaches to the ecological optimization of the steppe landscape. The term "ecological framework" is now becoming very popular, but more often it is used in a completely different sense - under it means the set of large, preserved natural territories in a certain region.

Экологический каркас территории, в принятой нами трактовке — это совокупность ее экосистем с индивидуальным режимом природопользования для каждого участка, образующих пространственно организованную инфраструктуру, которая поддерживает экологическую стабильность территории, предотвращая потерю биоразнообразия и деградацию ландшафта.
Экологический каркас выполняет свои функции при наличии соответствующих правовых, экономических и управленческих механизмов, которые должны быть связаны с существующим уровнем экономической инфраструктуры и технологий природопользования.
In other words, it is proposed the introduction of a specific system of land with a special status. These lands should be in regulated and sparing types of use (pasture, haying, forestry, etc.), and each site should have its own specific mode of use, based on its role in maintaining environmental stability in the surrounding area as well and the entire region.
On a map or image from space, such a system of lands looks like a spatially interconnected network of natural and semi-natural territories - the "framework". This is a complex structure that must be designed by experts in various sectors of the economy and ecology. In a heavily developed steppe zone, the ecological framework can exist only as a well thought out, cost-effective system. The framework lands should be both natural ecosystems, and those created with human participation, semi-natural. Nature use on them does not stop. The meaning of the ecological framework is to ensure the ecological stability of the entire territory and its parts with maximum efficiency, by maintaining a flexible system of differentiated environmental management. The ecological framework is not a form of nature conservation,and a method of environmental management that ensures the long-term non-exhaustive coexistence of man and the natural resources used. In the long term, the ecological framework does not reduce, but multiply, the economic benefit of the economic use of land.
Now the functions inherent in the ecological framework are distributed in Russia across a number of institutions: they are to some extent carried out by PAs, land management, forest management, schemes for the integrated use of water resources, game management, TerKSOP, and to a lesser extent others.
This system was formed several decades ago. It is not a work in the field of environmental regulation, but it doesn’t work. This situation leads to further environmental degradation.New elements of the regulation of environmental management - EIA and environmental impact assessment operate at a fairly local level, but they cannot prevent the already “neglected” destructive processes in a large area as a whole. There are several reasons why the established order works poorly:

Each individual department of nature (land, water, forest), regulating the use of its individual resource, even with environmental "frame" goals, is not able to fully determine the role of these measures, their real, incl. economic, effect to maintain the stability of the territory as a whole, for the work of its single multifunctional ecological framework. There is no effective mechanism for coordinating such measures, in the absence of a general concept and a unified state policy.

Departmental integrated schemes for the use of natural resources, in conditions of a general crisis, sacrifice their ecological component.

Each individual agency does not have the necessary environmental knowledge to create an ecological framework, even on its lands.

Traditional forms of protected areas are focused on the preservation of the most well-preserved natural areas, single objects or individual elements of the territory (often only for aesthetic purposes). In modern environmental and socio-economic conditions, this approach can neither significantly stop the degradation of the territory as a whole, nor (in the long run) preserve biodiversity even within the protected areas. Preservation of biodiversity is now focused on an extensive slow increment of the area of ​​protected areas.

Owing to this orientation, and, in most cases, unprofessional design, the prestige of the protected areas is low both in the eyes of the population and the authorities. Therefore, PAs may not perform even minimal functions.

Creating a PA system, while considering the preservation of biodiversity and maintaining the ecological stability of the territory in their natural connection, is not in itself a solution.

The legal framework for environmental optimization is ultimately fragmented, and its effectiveness is hindered. Existing legislation regulating environmental management is based on the resource basis: laws differ for different types of land use (agricultural land, forest land, etc.).

There is no single framework for environmental management, monitoring and control. Lands can now be managed only on a departmental basis. The management of the environmental situation in the territory as a whole is not regulated by any regulations, which makes it impossible to develop a long-term, large-scale strategy for the sustainable development of the territory.

Thus, the greening of industries of steppe environmental management, usually proposed as a solution to the problem, looks inefficient and problematic. An alternative to this should be the proposed ecological framework strategy as a single holistic system. It is based on a simple and effective principle: all the functions of maintaining the ecological stability of a territory need to be united in one specially planned, effectively functioning structure with a single management.
The ecological framework should be such a special, additionally created target structure. It should include existing PAs and departmental measures of environmental regulation of environmental management (for the protection of land, forests, water resources, etc.). However, the main point is to define and implement from a unified systemic position a number of new additional measures - the introduction of the legal status of ecological framework lands, the restoration of natural ecosystems, the adjustment and linking of existing environmental management measures, the creation of a unified ecological framework management system, and the organization of new PAs. .d

The ecological framework does not mean abandoning other existing forms of territorial nature protection and environmental management, but represents their development and integration. Strengthening management efficiency and reducing costs, it implies minimal restructuring of existing structures. Only such a measure as an ecological framework corresponds to the current level of pressure on the environment and is capable of preventing its destruction.
Note that most of these principles and specific measures of environmental optimization are fairly obvious and have been repeatedly discussed in one form or another (Tishkov, 1997; Chibilev, 1997). Looking ahead, let us say, what are the main specific features, in our opinion, should be adopted by nature management in the steppe zone when creating an ecological framework.
Forest belts should be complemented by the creation of steppe lanes, and steppe lanes and corridors should be given priority. This view has been a history since 1893, when A.A. Izmail, in parallel with V.V. Dokuchaev, justified his concept, according to which the steppe vegetation itself provides a more optimal water and ecological balance of the territory than forest plantations. The desiccation of the steppes, on the other hand, is due mainly to the incorrect management of livestock raising and the organization of land in general. And only a lack of understanding of environmental laws and unwillingness to critically perceive the concept of V.V. Dokuchaeva led to the wrong planning, even the work carried out on environmental optimization. Mass planting of forest belts and the creation of ponds had a negative effect. The value of the steppe cover was almost ignored.
The reorganization of the reservoir system, the gradual elimination of temporary earth dams, the restriction of hydroamelioration and the transition to an ecological regime of work are needed.
A differentiated approach to land management planning is needed, which should be carried out with a delicate consideration of the ecological features of the natural area and terrain. The ratio of arable land and pastures can be very different.
Overcoming monocultural agriculture. Restoration of farming culture based on ecological and landscape principles.
Mass restoration of steppes for use under hayfields and pastures.
Conservation of natural steppe areas - biodiversity repositories.
The functioning of each element of the ecological framework should be based on clear economic calculations of both short-term and long-term effectiveness.
The creation of the framework should be carried out in parallel with the intensification of agricultural production (and environmental management in general): the restrictions imposed on the use of some territories are combined with the more intensive use of other territories.
The ecological framework should function in conditions of private land use, it should be beneficial to large and rich farms.

To create an ecological framework, it is necessary, on the one hand, to identify and design a system of its lands with the regime of each territory, on the other hand, to create a legal framework, economic mechanisms for the functioning of the framework, to create a framework management system. Balanced implementation of these tasks means the achievement of the most important goal we set.
The ecological framework institute, being a simple and efficient structure, will allow several times to reduce the cost of managing the ecological balance of the territory, increasing its efficiency, not to mention the huge long-term economic benefits.

Forming an ecological framework as a land system

"To return the former fertility to chernozem means
return him the structure of virgin steppes. "

(from the public lecture at the meeting
Poltava Agricultural Society, 1899)

How to form an ecological framework: how to select its areas, to form a land system component of the framework, to determine the mode of use for each section, i.e. how should the ecological framework of the steppe region be arranged? In a brief article, this can be done only in abstract form.
The frame sections can be grouped in several directions at once:

  • Functionally, nodes (or cores) and communicative elements.
  • On a hierarchical level - the elements of the framework of local, regional, regional and interregional values.
  • By legal status - various forms of departmental restrictions on use, protection zones, PAs, new proposed status forms, etc.
  • On the basis of ecosystem - what type of ecosystem element is represented.
  • According to the degree of native territory.

We will choose the last sign as the initial one.
The ecological framework should include three types of elements.
The first one is natural territories (steppes, forests, meadows, etc., all that has preserved its natural appearance).
The second is a restoration fund . These are anthropogenic territories (usually arable land), but those on which, in order to recreate a single ecological framework infrastructure, it is necessary to restore the natural environment. This includes, for example, measures for the restoration of steppe pastures.
The third - artificial elements , historically alien to the landscape, but necessary to maintain the ecological balance in the conditions of intensive economic activity. Such are, for example, shelter belts in the steppe zone.

Natural areas.

Natural areas are the main component of the ecological framework. In the steppe and forest-steppe regions, as highly developed, almost everywhere all the remaining natural areas should be included in the ecological framework. They form the region’s natural infrastructure, interwoven with the economic infrastructure that the rest of the land makes up. When designing an ecological framework, it is possible to more or less detail the natural territories according to the ecosystem basis.
Like any system, the ecological framework must consist of functional elements - nodes (or cores), and communications (channels of migration) between them, usually in the form of linear objects. Since the ecological framework must be formed at different levels - local, regional, regional and interregional - each element has a certain meaning or rank. When designing an ecological framework, the rank of each natural area should be defined as its element.
Nodes are rather extensive ecosystems within which, due to their size and high level of biodiversity, natural processes take place, stabilizing the ecological situation in large areas. Communications connect nodes, moving flows of matter and energy.
Designing the functional structure of the environmental framework includes determining the role of each site in the framework, the corresponding mode of its use and its legal form. It should be made on the basis of all necessary knowledge and achievements in the fields of rural economics, water management, forestry and other branches of nature management, territory management, system analysis, various spheres of ecology and other environmental sciences. The whole "secret" of successful design of the frame as a whole and of its elements is precisely in this, the principles themselves are generally quite well known.
There are some general principles for constructing an ecological framework:

  1. The principle of "nature knows best" (for example, the sustainability of steppe landscapes should be primarily ensured by steppe ecosystems, and not by forest planting).
  2. The principle of ecological corridors (switching).
  3. The principle of polarization of the landscape (the principle of Rodoman).
  4. The principle of buffer zones.
  5. The principle of hierarchical cells (Ponomarenko principle).
  6. The principle of the overall hierarchy of the device.
  7. The principle of the interpenetration of natural and economic infrastructure.
  8. The principle of mosaic areas of different scales and functions.
  9. The principle of relative environmental autonomy and discreteness of individual sections.
  10. The principle of the representativeness of ecosystems.
  11. The principle of taking into account historical trends in the development of the territory.
  12. The principle of individuality of the natural conditions of each area of ​​the territory.

Nodes (kernels) of an ecological framework.

The nodes of the interregional rank are the territories so vast and with a high level of biodiversity that they can have an impact on very large areas (100-1000 km2), to be a biodiversity reserve for several natural, administrative regions, river basins. Such nodes associated with a particular type of ecosystem are not in every area.
Regional rank nodes are territories with a much smaller area and (in each separately) with a much less significant level of biodiversity. But there are many more such nodes, in sum, they have an almost complete biodiversity spectrum and have sufficient potential for resistance to various, including random effects. Therefore, their main function is to serve as “repositories” of biodiversity for its distribution in real time across the surrounding territory - usually 10-100 km2, i.e. throughout the region or part of it.
The nodes of the district rank are small areas that are not sufficiently resistant to many impacts, but are abundant and high density, because their main function is to directly control the basic parameters of the ecological stability of the landscape, and these nodes are the first source of biodiversity replenishment. violations at the local level. The nodes of the district rank affect the territory of the order of 1-10 thousand km2. These include, for example, all watershed forests that are not included in the nodes of higher ranks.
The local rank nodes are the latest, lowest level, they, along with ecological corridors, play the main role in the ecological stabilization of the whole territory, the fine regulation of all its ecological parameters, although each of them affects only the surrounding terrain — a group of fields or gully beam system (up to 1 thousand km2). Typical examples are watershed steppe areas in the upper girders or bayrachnye forests. Nodes of this rank are unstable - they can be easily destroyed.

Communications (migration channels). Communications in the ecological framework are the territories through which a substance can spread - both living and non-living. On the one hand, species of plants, animals and microorganisms are distributed, on the other - water, chemical elements, organic substances. Communications usually have the form of more or less wide lanes, but for migrations, for example, birds, a chain of corresponding habitats is needed. Communications play for the functioning of the frame no less important role than the nodes.
Like nodes, communications are ranked on the elements of the interregional, regional, district and local level, connecting nodes of the corresponding rank. In the conditions of the steppe zone, most of the communicative elements are confined to rivers and other watercourses. These are lanes of floodplain and terraced meadows, forests, strip of steppes on the continental slopes of the rivers and on a ravine-ravine network. Unrelated to the hydrographic network: forest belts of various ranks, the right of way along the railways and highways, the strip of natural communities along administrative and other borders and some economic objects.

Legal status . The mode of all the listed elements can be set both for the element as a whole and for its separate section. What legal statuses can have framework elements?

Firstly , and this is the most important proposed innovation, it is necessary to introduce a new legal status - an element of the ecological framework . The ecological framework will function only if the corresponding legal framework is created. It is assumed that further in each region it is necessary to approve a single draft of the ecological framework, all the territories included in it will have this status. In each region, it is necessary to develop a certain number of typical modes for each type of frame sections found there, and assign a particular mode to each specific section, depending on its function in the frame. That is, for each site the rights to one or another type of its use should be limited. A typical example is the complete withdrawal by the state of the right to plow a certain piece of land, which concerns all owners, owners and users of this plot.
We emphasize that despite the massive restrictions for natural areas, this measure should to a small extent affect the current land use structure. At the same time, the elements of the ecological framework, basically, will coincide with the already existing departmental areas of limited nature management, nature monuments, sanctuaries, and protected zones. In fact, the new status will replace all these currently existing ones, greatly simplifying and increasing the effectiveness of monitoring compliance with their regime.
A number of provisions should be common to all framework elements in the steppe zone - first of all, it is a guarantee of preservation of the remaining natural areas: prohibition of plowing the remaining steppe and meadow pastures and haymaking, prohibition of industrial logging in forests, prohibition of the development of land ecological framework.
Secondly , it is necessary to include in the ecological framework all existing environmental management measures for environmental management. These include:
1) существующие ООПТ: государственные природные заповедники, национальные и природные парки, природные заказники, памятники природы, и др. формы.
2) ведомственные участки ограниченного природопользования: особо ценные лесные массивы и заповедные лесные участки, категории защитности лесов первой группы, воспроизводственные участки охотугодий, зоны ограниченного рыболовства.
3) различные типы охранных зон: водоохранные зоны, прибрежные и нересто-охранные полосы, охранные зоны линий коммуникации. Любые, даже самые малые и временные водотоки имеют луговые или лесные прибрежные полосы разной ширины по своим берегам.
Поскольку все эти меры, так или иначе, создавались для поддержания тех или иных элементов (узлов либо коммуникаций) или функций экологического каркаса, их включение в состав каркаса — естественно.

И, в-третьих , потребуется организация ряда новых ООПТ на территориях узлов высших и средних рангов. Дело в том, что подобные территории отличаются индивидуальностью и разнообразием функций, и для них будет недостаточно общего статуса "элемента экологического каркаса".

Реставрационный фонд.

В большинстве степных регионов сохранившиеся природные территории не могут долговременно стабилизировать ландшафт, не формируют полноценного экологического каркаса, поскольку его инфраструктура уже разорвана. Многие природные участки оказались в изоляции, прежде всего вследствие больших масштабов распашки, что приводит к деградации самих сельскохозяйственных угодий.
Возникает задача соединения "разрывов" экологического каркаса. В большинстве степных регионов главной и первоочередной мерой, необходимой для этого, является воссоздание степных экосистем на определенных участках. С точки зрения сельского хозяйства, это выглядит как нормализация структуры угодий за счет сокращения площади пашни — полей, которые не обрабатываются, или которые хозяйства готовы перестать обрабатывать из-за низкого плодородия — и перевода этих площадей, прежде всего, в степные пастбища. Для воссоздания природных степных пастбищ нужно использовать самые худшие, деградированные земли с наименьшей урожайностью (эродированные, выпаханные, заовраженные, засоленные, карьеры, радиоактивно загрязненные), а также, по возможности, земли с неопределенным правовым статусом и сильно удаленные от производственных центров. С одной стороны, обработка этих земель убыточна и рентабельность воссоздания степей на них очевидна, с другой — именно эти земли являются очагами деградации ландшафта и реставрировать природные экосистемы нужно, прежде всего, здесь. Эти земли и должны составить реставрационный фонд и быть включены в экологический каркас.
Включить эти земли в экологический каркас необходимо сразу, но сами восстановительные мероприятия не являются срочными. В настоящее время разработаны технологии, обеспечивающие быстрое формирование на залежных землях степных экосистем, близких к естественным, обладающих высоким разнообразием ценных в кормовом отношении растений и способных длительное время использоваться в виде кормовых угодий без дополнительных затрат, при отсутствии перевыпаса. В конечном счете, реставрация степей на этих землях позволит как воссоздать экологический каркас в целом, так и обеспечить животноводство высококачественными пастбищами и сконцентрировать усилия и средства на качественной обработке остальной пашни, сделав урожай устойчиво более высоким.
Необходимо разработать типовой план выведения земель из пашни и их перевода в пастбища, и потребуются продуманные планы этих мероприятий на уровне районов и хозяйств, основанные на анализе таких факторов, как необходимость экологического каркаса в целом; ситуация с неблагополучными землями в конкретных хозяйствах; локальные условия, типа риска случайного стравливания участков скотом.
Для применения технологий реставрации степи нужны значительные участки естественных степей, предоставляющих семенной материал. Ими должны послужить узлы экологического каркаса.
Переход на технологии реставрации степи позволит быстро восстанавливать ресурсный потенциал угодий, как при трехпольной или травопольной системе, и быстро и дешево создавать и использовать угодья под пастбища и сенокосы, как при переложной системе земледелия. Такая система может большей частью заменить травопольную систему, представляя ее логическое развитие.
Здесь создание экологического каркаса логически стыкуется с переходом сельского хозяйства на более совершенные, экологичные и экономически эффективные системы земледелия, и будущее здесь за биологическими и эколого-ландшафтными системами земледелия, воспроизводящими в сельскохозяйственных экосистемах основные черты природных (нулевая обработка, смешанные и многолетние культуры, контурное земледелие и т.д.). Экологический каркас как общая концепция оптимизации природопользования степной зоны должен увязываться с отраслевыми процессами совершенствования природопользования — в сельском, лесном и водном хозяйстве.

Искусственные элементы.

Последний тип элементов, составляющих экологический каркас в степной зоне — объекты, исторически чуждые ландшафту, но необходимые для его экологической оптимизации в условиях интенсивной хозяйственной деятельности, когда не везде возможно обеспечить это естественными экологическими регуляторами.
Роль искусственных регуляторов выполняют прежде всего полезащитные и придорожные лесополосы и гребневые валы-террасы, прокладываемые поперек склона и препятствующие эрозии ливневых вод. Они регулируют интенсивность поверхностного стока и переводят часть поверхностного стока во внутрипочвенный, регулируют скорость ветра и обеспечение равномерного запасания снега по территории полей, запасают влагу в почве и предотвращают ее глубокое промерзание, включают всю территорию полей в кормовые ареалы насекомоядных видов птиц, хищных насекомых и почвенной мезофауны, препятствуют эрозии ливневыми водами. При посадках леса необходимо обеспечить примыкание искусственных лесов к естественным, для того чтобы обеспечить возможности миграции в новые посадки всего спектра организмов, живущих в почвах под лесом и других лесных организмов с ограниченными возможностями миграции. Если такого примыкания нет, то занос видов должен быть предусмотрен самим проектом.

Механизмы создания экологического каркаса

“Когда денег мало, их надо умнее использовать”

Дениэл Голдин, руководитель НАСА
(из выступления на съезде Американского
астрономического общества, Техас, 1996 г.)

Административные методы поддержания экологического каркаса можно разделить на две группы: методы, связанные с правовыми и экономическими аспектами, и непосредственно управление каркасом.

Правовые механизмы поддержания экологического каркаса.

В настоящее время ни одно ведомство не обладает полномочиями ни по разработке экологической инфраструктуры ландшафта как единой системы, ни по контролю за ее текущим состоянием. В исполнительных органах власти регионов также отсутствуют необходимые структуры.

Принципом правовых механизмов поддержания экологического каркаса в степной полосе должно стать взаимодействие земельного и экологического законодательства и их совместное развитие. Земельное право – это базовое право в территориальном планировании и регулировании использования территории. Кроме того, оно гораздо более развито благодаря давней истории. Но комплексная реализация экологических функций территории, целевое функционирование экологического каркаса, со своей стороны, может обеспечиваться только экологическим правом.

Имеющиеся правовые основы.

Экологическое законодательство. Закон РФ “Об охране окружающей природной среды”, хотя и возглавляет систему экологического законодательства, больше касается вредных воздействий на природу и, главным образом, здоровье человека. Комплексное управление экологическими функциями территории по-прежнему ускользает здесь из правовой сферы, и обеспечить функционирование экологического каркаса только в рамках экологического права невозможно. Этого не может обеспечить и Закон РФ “Об особо охраняемых природных территориях”, являющийся сейчас важнейшим в экологическом законодательстве по данному направлению. Тем не менее, наблюдающиеся сейчас попытки как-то реально сохранить экологический каркас в рамках экологического законодательства основаны именно на категории особо охраняемых природных территорий. В ряде регионов реализуется предусмотренное данным законом резервирование (ограничение в использовании и распоряжении) земельных участков, на которых предполагается создать ООПТ (постановления об этом приняты в Читинской, Новосибирской, Свердловской областях). Другой вариант – расширение понятия особо охраняемых природных территорий в соответствующем региональном законодательстве. Примером может служить Закон “О землях особо охраняемых природных территорий и объектов Новосибирской области” (1995 г.), где к таковым отнесены не только ООПТ, принимаемые федеральным законом, но и водоохранные зоны, особо ценные земли сельскохозяйственного назначения и др. – практически все так или иначе охраняемые природные территории. Аналогичное расширение перечня ООПТ характерно для местного законодательства некоторых других регионов (например, Республика Башкортостан, Томская область).

Земельное законодательство. В нем закреплены такие категории, как “генеральные схемы использования и охраны земельных ресурсов” и “территориальное зонирование сельскохозяйственных земель”. При зонировании органами власти устанавливается разрешенное использование каждого земельного участка. Его рамки обязательны вне зависимости от прав на участок и не могут самовольно меняться. Для обеспечения целевого использования земельных участков законодательством предусмотрено информирование владельцев об экологических нормах использования земли и государственный контроль за частными землями.

Какие необходимы изменения и дополнения.

Экологическое право. Понятие “Экологический каркас” должно быть легитимизировано, для чего нужно принятие на федеральном уровне рамочного Закона об экологическом каркасе, как дополнения к головному Закону РФ “Об охране окружающей природной среды”. Он должен предусматривать все основные принципиальные вопросы, касающиеся создания и функционирования каркаса. Содержание этой категории предложено выше в разделе “Формирование экологического каркаса как системы земель”. Будучи направлен на оптимизацию управления множеством существующих мер регламентации природопользования, упрощение выполнения Госкомэкологии ее собственных задач, этот закон полностью впишется в существующую систему экологического законодательства. После правового закрепления экологического каркаса:
1. Станет возможным спроектировать каркас как единое образование и придать правовой охранный статус тем его составляющим, которые сейчас такого статуса не имеют.
2. Категория экологического каркаса создаст правовую базу для оптимального управления экологическим функциями территории.

В соответствии уже с этим Законом, нужно будет разработать и принять в регионах Положения об экологическом каркасе – в каждом регионе свое. Поскольку природные условия регионов различны, эти Положения должны быть не типовыми, а конкретизировать Закон в применении к собственным условиям (природным и экономическим).

На базе Положений должен составляться и утверждаться предусмотренный ими землеотводный проект (Земельное дело) экологического каркаса, где указывается правовой режим каждого участка.

Кроме того, в большинстве регионов проходит более или менее вялотекущее принятие системы законов в области охраны окружающей среды. Рано или поздно в эту систему войдут областные “Законы об ООПТ” (в ряде регионов уже принятые). Такая тенденция дает объективную возможность и необходимость создания правовой базы экологического каркаса на региональном уровне, согласованно входящей в систему регионального законодательства.

Легитимизация экологического каркаса позволит создать эффективные связки с земельным, водным и лесным законодательством.

Водное и лесное право. Водное законодательство наиболее продвинуто в вопросе сохранении базовых природных свойств территории. Водоохранные зоны и прибрежные полосы (утверждены Постановлением Правительства РФ от 23.11.1996, № 1404) – это меры, вносящие на сегодняшний день наиболее значительный вклад в реальное поддержание экологического каркаса всех степных регионов.

Земельное право. В противоположность Воде и Лесу, механизм сохранения которых в нашей стране более или менее отлажен (благодаря осознанности вопроса), роль травяных экосистем практически не находит законодательного отражения. Хотя именно они являются ландшафто- и средообразующими на всей площади степной зоны и служат основной природной базой всего сельского хозяйства России и сопредельных стран. По этой причине главной задачей создания экологического каркаса в степных регионах является коррекция и дополнение именно земельного законодательства.

В настоящее время реформа земельных отношений переживает “латентную” фазу. Система земельного законодательства, действовавшая в СССР, потеряла силу. Предложен или находится в разработке ряд взаимосвязанных законопроектов новой системы земельного законодательства, но действуют пока законы переходного периода. В 1997-1998 г. прошла волна принятия новых региональных “Законов о земле” (и именно в степных и лесостепных регионах, где земля имеет большую цену). По сути, это земельные кодексы, требующие дополнения частными законами. При их разработке обязательно возникнет социальный запрос на экологическую регламентацию землепользования. Однако, новые законопроекты, так же как и все прежние, не “видят” проблему естественных экосистем (в наших регионах это, в первую очередь, степи) на сельскохозяйственных землях. Именно сейчас, пока новые законы не приняты, ситуация еще открыта для вмешательства – законодательные инициативы могут быть реально востребованы как разработчиками законопроектов, так и законодателями.

В земельном праве должно быть регламентировано сохранение биоразнообразия сельскохозяйственных земель (в целом, и травяных экосистем в особенности) и экологизация землеустройства.

Необходимо разработать и представить предложения к разрабатываемым сейчас федеральным и региональным законопроектам Земельного кодекса (Законов о земле) и других законов и нормативно-правовых актов земельного законодательства (законопроекты “Об оценке земель”, “О государственном регулировании и особенностях ограниченного оборота земель сельскохозяйственного назначения”, “О землеустройстве” и др.) в частях, определяющих принципы землеустройства, целевое назначение и допустимое использование земель сельскохозяйственного назначения, обременения земельных участков, принципы платы за землю и экономическое стимулирование охраны земель. В акты земельного законодательства должны быть внесены положения об экологическом каркасе.

В рамках земельного права существует ряд институтов, большинство из которых прямо влияет на функции экологического каркаса и требует внесения дополнений и изменений.

Землеустройство. Происходит дробление хозяйств и измельчание наделов (в Воронежской области, например, максимальный размер крестьянского хозяйства 100 га). С одной стороны, это нарушает принципы севооборотов, с другой – способствует дифференцированному отношению к земле в пределах небольших участков. Стимуляция мелкомасштабного землеустройства внутри крестьянских хозяйств должна быть направлена на “точечное” отношение к земле, расчленение крупных полей восстановленной степной растительностью.

С другой стороны, приватизация полей мелкими крестьянскими хозяйствами требует стимуляции межхозяйственного землеустройства как составляющей межхозяйственных экономических связей, рациональных севооборотов – уже не внутри большого хозяйства, а между многими мелкими.

Земельный кадастр. Необходимо ввести понятие экологического каркаса в системы интенсивно развивающегося земельного кадастра. Кадастр сочетает в себе правовые и управленческие функции. Это позволит, с одной стороны, зафиксировать ограничения использования земель каркаса в Актах на пользование и владение землей и других правовых документах, а с другой стороны – контролировать соблюдение режима. Пока концепция нового земельного кадастра окончательно не сформирована, необходимо пытаться заложить основы экологического каркаса в будущую систему управления земельными ресурсами.

Плата за землю. Принципы платы за землю будут, по всей видимости, подвергнуты в ближайшее время коренному пересмотру. В связи с этим, в них нужно предусмотреть механизмы, стимулирующие сохранение экологического каркаса (см. ниже).

Охрана земель. Необходима разработка и утверждение нормативов оценки эколого-экономического ущерба, причиненного повреждением и изменением элементов экологического каркаса

Сервитуты и обременения земельных участков являются важнейшим рычагом охраны элементов экологического каркаса. Для их реальной действенности нужно разработать и принять в “степных” субъектах федерации типовые региональные законы “Об обременениях земельных участков”, при этом обременения, разработанные на основе Проектов экологического каркаса, должны быть внесены в Акты на пользование и владение землей.

По отдельным функциям могут быть установлены сервитуты. Например, в Воронежском областном Законе о земле установлен сервитут государства на сохранение среды обитания и миграции диких животных на чужих землях.

Консервация земель. Фактически, основной мерой восстановления деградированных сельскохозяйственных угодий в степной зоне может быть воссоздание на них степи. Положение о консервации земель не раскрывает порядок восстановления деградированных участков, и вышесказанное желательно закрепить на уровне нормативно-правовых актов.

Экономические механизмы экологического каркаса.

Интерес к экологическим проблемам в обществе падает. В этих условиях при создании экологического каркаса потребуется доказать, что его существование экономически выгодно и, с другой стороны, потребуются экономические стимулы сохранения каркаса. Фактически, нужно внедрить понятие экологического каркаса в систему производственных отношений. Это важное условие при принятии концепции каркаса непосредственно владельцами земель и хозяйствующими субъектами.

Таким образом, проблема распадается на два взаимосвязанных вопроса:
1) Как оценить экономическую выгоду выполнения экологическим каркасом своих функций?
2) Как создать механизмы экономического стимулирования экологического каркаса?

Как оценить экономическую выгоду от выполнения территорией своих экологических функций.

С точки зрения экономики, существуют две базовые посылки для оценки эффективности экологических функций:

* Экологический каркас, поддерживая экологический баланс, способствует приросту продукта косвенным путем, обеспечивая стабильность природного базиса экономики. Противоречие между задачами сохранения природной среды и экономического развития, в действительности, менее серьезно, чем кажется (Веллс, 1995).

* Биоразнообразие, сохраняемое экологическим каркасом, само по себе является ценным ресурсом, и его рациональное использование, как любого ресурса, должно стать элементом государственной политики и приоритетом в соответствующих отраслях хозяйства.

Для оценки эффективности любого проекта в экономике применяется сопоставление выгод и затрат. Для их оценки применительно к природным объектам существует множество методов.

Выгодой в данном случае является существование того или иного участка экологического каркаса в состоянии, позволяющем ему выполнять свои функции. Эта выгода, как общая экономическая стоимость участка, согласно наиболее распространенным подходам в экономике, имеет четыре составляющие (Бобылев, 1995):
1. Прямая стоимость использования. Стоимость продукции неразрушительного скотоводства, сенокошения, сбора лекарственных растений, прибыль от научного, образовательно-просвещенческого использования, туризма, охоты, рыболовства и т.д.
2. Косвенная стоимость использования. Предотвращение эрозии, регулирование водного режима в сельскохозяйственном ландшафте, связывание углекислоты и т.п. выгода, не ощущаемая непосредственно. Для ее оценки могут быть использованы методы:

* Рыночная оценка физических эффектов: перевод экологического влияния в стоимостные показатели с использованием рыночной стоимости изменений объема продукции (например, сколько урожая теряется вследствие эрозии пашни).

* Предотвращенный ущерб: на какую сумму биоразнообразием предотвращается ущерб, например от той же эрозии.

3. Возможная стоимость. Выгоды от возможных способов какого-то нового использования законсервированного ресурса в будущем (например, получение генов для растениеводства).

4. Стоимость существования. Отражает эстетическую и этическую стоимость участка. Оценивается косвенными методами:

* Метод “желание платить”: через опросы населения выясняется, сколько оно готово платить за существование биоразнообразия.

* Метод транспортных затрат: сколько средств население тратит, чтобы добраться до того или иного интересующего природного объекта.

В затратах на поддержание экологического каркаса нужно различать:

1. Прямые затраты. Бюджетные траты на формирование каркаса и управление им – контроль, мониторинг. Затраты на восстановление тех или иных участков каркаса, например, воссоздание степных экосистем.

2. Косвенные затраты (непрямой ущерб).

3. Упущенные выгоды. Выгоды, которые могли бы быть получены от альтернативного использования участка, например – возделывания культур, интенсивного выпаса и др. Применяется метод оценки стоимости отчуждаемой земли.

A full analysis of the benefits and costs in the ecological-economic model will allow us to reasonably present what this or that element of the ecological framework will give economically.

How to create economic incentives for the environmental framework?

The general principle of economic incentives is a reward for preventing damage to the ecological frame and penalties for damage.

Economic mechanisms based on land tax. Land tax on agricultural land is established taking into account their composition, quality and location. This issue is resolved at the regional level - they themselves, based on the cadastral valuation of land and the average tax rate, set land tax rates for arable land groups, hay fields, and pastures, making adjustments for each plot.

The cadastral valuation of the land, the calculation of the land tax rate and the determination of the normative value of the site constitute, in practice, a single bundle. Based on the cadastral valuation of the plot, the land tax rate is calculated, and the basic standard value of the plot is now defined as 200 times the tax rate. The more the plot is fertile and convenient in location, the more its standard cost and the higher the tax.

The most important economic mechanism for supporting the ecological framework can be based on a comprehensive consideration of biodiversity and the ecological functions of each site already at the stage of cadastral valuation. Then in the standard value of the land will be reflected, and these indicators, and not just the potential income for the estimated payback period, as it is now. An area that performs important environmental functions or is valuable in terms of biodiversity will thus come close to its true price.

As a result, the estimated tax rate will change. For example, it will increase greatly for land occupied by natural ecosystems, especially intact; for lands that perform certain key environmental functions (for example, upstream gully systems and slopes that play erosion value, coastal stripes, etc.). The system of economic incentives to maintain the framework should be based on this: an increase in the estimated land tax rate should be compensated for by the benefits set in relation to the compliance of the real mode of use of the site with its intended use, enshrined in the environmental framework project. For example, with rational, saving use of steppe for pasture or haymaking, the tax should be as preferential as possible. When overgrazing, which leads to degradation of pasture, the tax will be higher, and if the plot is destroyed by plowing, the benefits are canceled completely, and the tax is paid at full rate - many times higher.

Tax incentives are a traditional method of economic stimulation, fixed both in land legislation (the Law “On Land Payments”) and in the environment (Law “On Environmental Protection”). Regions have the right to establish their own land tax benefits: for example, on sites under anti-erosion or shelter forests. Another example: according to the laws, in the Chita and Novosibirsk regions, owners of lands of specially protected natural territories have benefits or are exempted from land tax altogether if these lands are used only for environmental purposes.

Accordingly, the estimated tax rate will change and the standard price of land. This price is used when buying and buying plots. For territories that perform important ecological functions, the standard price will become high, which will indirectly impede the economic turnover of precisely such lands.

Thus, mechanisms of economic impact based on land tax are legitimate and exist, but now they are hardly used in practice. To support the functioning of the ecological framework, they are possible and necessary to be used purposefully.

As a result, there should be a reduction in the total tax burden on farms that preserve the ecological framework (with intensive use of a smaller area of ​​arable land), compared with farms that have an inefficient, nature-intensive structure of the economy. The latter, as a rule, means extensive nature-destructive agriculture, associated with the maximum plowing area, large losses of production, lack of pastures and overall low profitability. After all, the main reason for the fall in biodiversity, and the fall in soil fertility and the general degradation of the steppe zone was precisely the fact that the effectiveness of agriculture was assessed not by output, but by maximum use of the land for arable land.

Economic mechanisms based on compensation for damages. Another method is based on compensation for profits that have not been received due to environmental restrictions on the use of the territory, or costs incurred to preserve the ecological functions of the territory.

According to the land legislation, the owners' expenses for the protection and improvement of land, as well as losses due to conservation of land for environmental objects, can also be offset by the budget.

Under current environmental legislation, landowners' expenses for supporting the protected area regime are reimbursed from the budget and extra-budgetary funds (production losses while limiting the use of such lands are not reimbursed).

It is necessary to allocate these costs in eco-funds to a special target item - incentives and compensations to landowners and land users, some of whose lands have the status of elements of the ecological framework or are planned to receive it.

The mechanisms of economic evaluation and economic incentives should be reflected in the laws. Economic evaluation, being included in the land registry, can be used when making management decisions on the environmental framework.

Environmental Frame Management.

The ecological framework, in essence, is a system for environmental management. The performance of its functions directly depends on the effectiveness of management. It includes monitoring, compiling information in the cadastre, analyzing various options for management decisions, forecasting and adopting the optimum, monitoring compliance with the regime, and targeted changes to the ecological framework.

It is necessary that the environmental frame management be centralized, it should be implemented by the body that conducts the state policy in the field of environmental protection (now it is the State Ecology Committee). At the same time, the relevant management functions should be performed using the already existing resource management systems based on the production capacities of agriculture, water and forestry, which are sufficiently developed and streamlined.

The cadastre created in the GIS environment, conducted at the regional level by the ecology committees and working together with the land, water and forest cadastres of the region, should occupy a central place in the management of the ecological framework.

For the steppe belt, the link to the land cadastre should play a pivotal role in managing the ecological framework (especially since the latter is the most developed industry cadastre and tends to become the basis of all others). The cadastre of the ecological framework and the land must be compatible and have a “crossing area” in the data. Thus, land committees and land management organizations will be able to use the cadastre of the ecological framework for making decisions in their field.

Cadastre of ecological framework. In reality, almost no environmental inventory exists anywhere. The cadastre of the ecological framework could therefore become its component, satisfying all those needs of the State Committee of Ecology, which are not related to industrial and urban areas. It can be convenient to begin work on the creation of PA inventories, although this is only one of the components of the framework. The PA inventory is provided with a regulatory framework and the regional ecology committees are required to maintain it.

The cadastre of the environmental framework should be combined with the centralized operational ground-space monitoring system of the framework that supplies data for the inventory.

On the basis of the cadastre, management support systems for the environmental framework should work. They should be installed both in the territorial environmental authorities and in other organizations related to the functioning of the ecological framework, and may be different, depending on the needs of the user. To manage such a complex structure, it is important that the system is convenient for working with your object - a network of natural territories. GIS inventory should use the entire appropriate set of methods for presenting and displaying information. Given the multifunctional nature of the ecological framework, it should provide such opportunities as: the ability to operate with large arrays of heterogeneous information, the ability to predict the possible effects due to any changes, the creation of a basis for choosing the optimal solutions to a particular problem.

The land registry contains the following information:

* Location of land;

* Legal characteristics of land: category of land and purpose, the boundaries of the site, information about land owners and other holders of rights; information about burdens;

* Characteristics of the quantity (area by type of land) and the quality of land: data on soil valuation according to their suitability for the cultivation of crops; information about the agricultural production properties of agricultural land; information about the natural and technological properties of land; characteristics of the cultural state of agricultural land; pollution information.

* Economic cadastral characteristics of land: the normative price of land; land tax and other payments for land; starting price of land for its sale.

In fact, the structure of the land cadastre in few places contributes to the preservation of the ecological functions of agricultural landscapes. The country has not developed a circulation of environmental information and, in particular, environmental inventories (inventory of natural resources, inventory of protected areas). The same applies to the environmental elements of the land cadastre. It is necessary to develop them in parallel with environmental cadastres and involve in the formation of regional land cadastres not only the State Ecology Committee, but also directly research organizations, universities, non-governmental environmental organizations.

The following main directions for adjusting the land registry can be determined:

  • For each land plot, its ecological significance and role in the ecological framework of the territory should be given (and not only for areas that have environmental burdens - for example, when classifying them as specially protected natural areas).
  • The economic assessment of land should be made taking into account their biodiversity and ecological functions, and it is in this form that it should be taken into account and given in the land cadastre.

In conclusion, we can say that the present time provides enough favorable opportunities to lay the foundations for the future of steppe nature management. If they are not used, the need for the existence of an ecological framework will still remain, but the initial conditions for its creation will become much worse, and the process will be more expensive.

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