2. Aesthetic culture of the ancient Eastern civilization. Formation of the es-tetiko-art system "architecture" in the ancient oriental system of values

  2. Aesthetic culture of the ancient Eastern civilization.  Formation of the es-tetiko-art system "architecture" in the ancient oriental system of values

Aesthetic experience of the Ancient East . Reconstruction of the ancient oriental system of values ​​(DVC). Hierarchy of values. The place of the state is the summit of values. Special respect for order, hierarchy, tradition, ritual.

DCC and the place in it of the aesthetic intuitive-contemplative experience of the Ancient East.

Cultural Environment of the Far Eastern Exhibition Center and value-sacred perception of space, time, nature, material, form.

The affinity and unity of all Universum objects in the BAC.

Space : “its” - mastered and “delimited”, “alien”, “alien”, “hostile”. Architectural space in the DEC.

Time is like eternity . The value setting of the life and human activities of the DEC; " Return to normal". The architectural embodiment of realism.

The sky is the starting point of value orientation and the organization of space in the ancient world. The sky is a sacred pattern and ideal for imitation, a prototype of all earthly. The sacred meaning of the Center: the connection of Heaven and Earth, ordinary, everyday and sacred. The role and meaning of the center in the architectural composition of the DEC.

Nature is the oldest, deeply revered "relative" of man. Nature is a teacher and a textbook for man. Intuitive value setting - "do no harm" and "be like." The role of nature in the life and architectural activities of the DEC.

Choosing a place for construction and architecture in the DEC. The place is a sacral point of developed space. The choice of material for architectural activities. Material - the carrier of an image of eternity, reliability, durability, stability.

Architecture DCTs - by nature, in fact - landscape architecture.

An activity valued as a “ministry,” as the fulfillment of a noble mission. Creativity is a ritual repetition of primordial sacred patterns. Principal traditionalism activities. Construction, architecture - a ritual act, repeating the sacred act of creation of the cosmos. “Creativity” is like mimesis.

Knowledge is syncretic, utilitarian and pragmatic. Special respect for past knowledge, ancestral knowledge and experience. The value of traditional knowledge. Emotionally-intuitive and utilitarian-pragmatic "format" of knowledge.

Transformation of building culture into architecture .

Architecture - as an ordered form , similar to the organization, the device of the universe. The similarity of the architecture to the sacral prototype is a pledge of its reality, durability, functionality, eternity, “informativeness”. Sacredness is the backbone element of the architecture of the DCC.

The “ sacral image ” of architecture is the carrier of the most important, socially significant information for an ancient person. Sacred images - the basis and source of value-significant phenomena for the entire history of mankind. The search for " artistic imagery " of strength and use is a condition for the birth of architecture. Architecture and other types of "artistic" activities. Primordial syncretism of "artistry". The principal symbolism of the architecture of the DCC.

"Artistic imagery" and its development by means of architecture. Expressive language of architecture of the Ancient East. The “format” of artistic expression is a sacred symbol. The symbol of monumentality, power, majesty, eternity of the forces of Nature, the Cosmos, the Gods.

The peculiarity of "artistic imagery" in the DEC. The archetypes of the contents of the architectural form are socially significant information about the world, values, the place and the role of a person in the Cultural Environment of the DEC.

The aesthetic principles of shaping the architecture of the DEC. Value significance and meaning: order, inviolability, eternity, formality, equilibrium.

Integrity ( composition): organic integration with nature, completeness, isolation, verticalism, degree as the personification of eternity, tradition, ritual, hierarchy.

Harmony : solemn-power, harsh, calm and contemplative.

Measure : cosmic, inhuman, the personification of eternity.

Rhythm : ritually repeated, measured monotonous, "epic".

Architectural Form (SME) is a cultural organization of human habitat and information about its values. Architectural forms (circle, oval, vertical, cross) - symbols - signs of human cultural activities in the world.

Forms of organized habitat and its cosmological values. Regional peculiarities of the “work” of harmony, measure, rhythm, compositional solution of architectural complexes as a reflection of the originality of the cultural environment of the regions.

Aesthetic and artistic features of the complexes and ensembles of the architecture of the DEC. Aesthetic and expressive features of the objective environment in the DEC.


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Aesthetics of architecture and design