The architecture of all times was built taking into account the effect of natural light on form detection.

Modern architecture, more than ever, is peculiar to the consideration of natural light and its influence on the formation of structures. In the interiors, the organization of artificial and natural lighting is dictated by the purpose and is among the means of revealing the artistic image. Back in the 1930s, Le Corbusier’s residential projects for Algeria and Barcelona, ​​followed by other architects, began to make extensive use of visors and long horizontal and vertical blind edges to protect the premises from the sun. Soon, various combinations of these vertical and horizontal elements received the name of sun-protection devices. Wall-screens, various blinds, curtains, canopies and other elements of architecture, the main purpose of which is the regulation of daylight, largely determine the appearance of modern buildings.

The effect of daylight on the shaping of buildings is particularly evident in the architecture of the dwelling. Here a person spends most of the time, and therefore a maximum consideration of the hygienic properties of natural light is necessary. The desire for optimal natural lighting of apartments has caused a variety of configurations and methods of grouping houses.

Very often, the organization of lighting is not thought out properly. In those cases when the choice of the size and location of the apertures is made without taking into account the practically necessary illumination of the premises, it is only for formal considerations of the layout of the facades that the rooms are lit either insufficiently or unnecessarily.

In modern architecture, along with a thoughtful, creative attitude to the problems of lighting, there are two extremes. One of them, which until recently prevailed, was the location of openings on the facades of buildings, proceeding entirely from formal ideas about architectural composition, subject to either traditional methods of building a facade or only the laws of symmetry. In this case, interior lighting has always been determined by the nature of the external form and turned out to be more random.

The other extreme, which has been prevalent in architectural practice in recent years, is the desire to maximize the glazing of building facades, which supposedly provides the best illumination of the room and the most acute perception. However, very often neither hygienic nor aesthetic requirements are met. In addition to the fact that the abundance of light in the room contributes to the appearance of "flicker" and "glare", which do not allow to see the object well, the harsh light creates unexpected shadows that prevent the correct perception of the forms of objects. The perception of objects in the light tires. Excessive illumination becomes a disaster.

Mastering the methods of rational organization of lighting to increase the expressiveness of architectural structures remains one of the most urgent tasks of modern architecture. At the same time, the climate of the construction area, the orientation of buildings by countries of the world, their environment by neighboring buildings and green areas and other specific conditions should be taken into account. Taking into account the lighting of the facades of the building in connection with these factors will allow us to outline the approach to the differentiated solution of their plastics.

Organic formation of buildings as well as plants is in the rational use of daylight - sunlight: in the southern latitudes, the desire to protect themselves from its excess prevails, in the northern - on the contrary, to maximize to the south, to avoid shading. Depending on the specifics of the functional processes occurring in the building, the required quantity and quality of lighting, the reversal of the rooms in the countries of the world and, ultimately, the layout of buildings and their complexes is determined.

Appropriate use of natural light and the creation on this basis of aesthetic values ​​- an important task of architecture.


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Compositional modeling