12 Static - Dynamics

  12 Static - Dynamics

Dynamics is a visual perception of movement, swiftness of form. Dynamism makes the form bright, active, visible, highlighting it among others.

Statics - a state of rest, balance of form, stability in all its structure, in the most geometric basis.

This pair of harmonization tools is used to express the degree of stability of a composite form. Such stability is evaluated purely emotionally, according to the impression that the form produces on the viewer. This impression can proceed both from the physical state of the form - stable or dynamic, associated with the movement of the object as a whole or its parts, or purely compositional (formal). According to the degree of visual stability of the form can be divided into the following three types .

The first type includes visually static forms. By impression, they are rated as extremely stable. These include: square, rectangle, parallelepiped, laid on a wide base, a cube, a pyramid, etc. The composition made up of similar forms is monumental, extremely static in nature (Fig. 46).

The second type is represented by physically static, but visually dynamic forms, assessed according to the impression of a certain unbalance. This assessment concerns stationary forms, directed, for example, in one direction, with broken symmetry and other properties specific to dynamic compositions (Fig. 48).

And the third type is visually fully dynamic forms. In compositional terms, they are characterized by an extremely dynamic, rapid nature (Fig. 45).

Statics and dynamics can be expressed in the composition by different means: the location of elements, color, plastic, etc. At the same time, they can give a compositional form an ambiguous character. Some elements can visually reveal its swiftness, others - on the contrary, “stop” it. Thus, unstable verticals can intersect with stable horizontals, “falling” diagonals - “prop up” with verticals or diagonals opposite in direction, bright colors can “calm down” with restrained tones, etc. between the elements of a complex composition.

  12 Static - Dynamics

Figure 45 - Dynamic Figure 46 - Static composition composition

  12 Static - Dynamics

Figure 47 - Dynamic composition Figure 48 - Polar states: statics → dynamics


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Compositional modeling