4.1. The role of information in creative project activities

  4.1.  The role of information in creative project activities

Purposeful management of the mental and creative activity of students is closely related to the information process that underlies the development and decision making [5]. Scientific information accompanies the entire procedure of architectural design and is one of the ways to increase the effectiveness of creative search.

The movement from cognition to the project model is carried out in the educational sphere, when the assimilation of theoretical and applied knowledge, contained in educational information and containing mostly retrospective material and selectively new, and in the problem-solving sphere, when the products of research activities are transformed and incorporated into the system of operational information, occurs. for the creative process.

Information support of the potential needs of architectural and design activities is carried out by initiating to the design of interdisciplinary scientific information at the interface of sciences. Information must be timely, possess objectivity, novelty, originality and reliability.

Information processes at the beginning of architectural design serve as a basis for anticipating the result, putting forward initial ideas and hypotheses, concepts and general guidelines of a creative search, in accordance with which the beginning of the creative procedure will take place.

Information activities - at the pre-project methodological stage involves the collection of primary information, the identification and accumulation of messages in any form, the selection of the leading criteria of interest for the crystallization of the plan. Any information coming from outside is evaluated from the point of view of the task and attracts attention to itself, since it turns out to be useful for solving it. Information need arises in the subsequent stages of the design process, when the project model is being deployed from all new sides. There is a continuous supply of information, organizing the sequence of executive actions.

Each level of the design model solution begins with the extraction, collection and transformation of information and ends with the acquisition of knowledge that serves as information for the next stage, and each subsequent design stage requires additional information for its solution. Transformation of information contains analytical-synthetic processing, rethinking, critical assessment and synthesis of materials, changing their form, structuring and re-encoding in a project-like form.

Processing information and summarizing depend on the creative initiative of the student, completed with the issuance of new information. Information analysis is carried out from the author's point of view and therefore contains a subjective point in assessing the information received. Translating information in the design process — an important means of obtaining new knowledge and reducing uncertainty in the design model by using information on alternative possibilities for effectively finding a solution to a problem — creates the prerequisites for developing a target, followed by a design decision-making procedure.

In the process of student and teacher communication, specific acts of information activities are performed, coordinated with the needs of this design stage. The success of information activities is also largely dependent on the compliance of the content of scientific information with the potential needs of a project search. Well-chosen and timely information can serve as the basis for a new idea, the development of which will lead to creative results.

Thus, the scientific information activity performs specific tasks related to the transfer, transformation and implementation of knowledge in the practice of architectural design. Purposeful movement of information in the most efficient form and in optimal volume contributes to the concretization of creative ideas for creating a project model.

In the theoretical and design-creative activities, the interaction of scientific, technical, artistic, compositional, social and other types of information takes place. Information about the properties and patterns of the environment offers students the possibility of a theoretical and creative correction of the task. So, information from the field of ecology can be a prerequisite for effective creative search and design action. The need to obtain architectural information through journals becomes a “mechanism” for mastering information in a narrow sense, while the transfer of scientific information from one area to another, for example, from sociology to architecture, reinforces the conceptual content of the idea. The level of awareness is coordinated with the student’s educational activities, with his needs for the consistent development of the project design.

Information need increases when solving new non-stereotypical tasks when it is necessary to use information resources reflecting the results of scientific research and new solutions to technical problems. In a non-sample situation, the transformation of messages acquires the character of a creative problem, requiring the use of a new original method of solution. The use of an advanced array of scientific information in the design conditions opens up the possibility of its author's processing. The student also uses the information that he receives while observing the work of other students.

An internal need for an information culture is expressed in information self-sufficiency, such a search for information requires

a lot of time and labor, and it’s not for nothing that the accumulated information finds its way into a creative project interpretation. Therefore, system design is the way to more efficient use of information resources. Under these conditions, information affects the change in the stock of knowledge, the style of scientific thinking, the professional mobility of a student, which results in a more qualified choice of ways and means of architectural design, a situation of integrated design creates the necessary information environment.

The goal of the teacher at the preparatory stage is to direct the student’s creative energy to the accumulation and association of necessary information.

Information activity, thus, performs an educational and communicative-integrative function, not only accompanies theoretical and project activity, but becomes an important factor in the organization and management of a professional creative process. The task of improving the cycle of information - research - introduction to design is associated with the expansion of experimental advanced creative activity of students in an architectural school.

Studying the design program. The program task regulates and directs the activity of the student.

The order of presentation of the material in the following programs:

General provisions. The goals and objectives of the design based on the purpose of the object, its practical and ideological content.

The composition and area of ​​the premises. Appointment of parts or groups of premises, a list of premises, their size and area or area norm per unit of capacity.

Basic requirements and baseline data: 1) the conditions of a natural or urban landscape; 2) the conditions of the architectural planning organization; 3) schedule requirements and internal

communications (fire safety requirements and evacuation conditions); 4) requirements in accordance with hygienic and comfort modes, insulation of a building from noise and adverse climatic conditions (sound insulation, heat and humidity, air exchange, light exposure, insolation); 5) requirements for a constructive solution (strength, stability, durability) and economic feasibility (technical and economic indicators), technical equipment of the building and construction methods ;; 6) recommended materials and the nature of the interior; 7) ideological and artistic conditions.

The programs specify the requirements for integrated development sections and refer to the subsequent end-to-end use of the project.

The composition of the design materials and the scale of the drawings are indicated separately for the design stage and the project. Established control stages and deadlines. Attached is the situation of the plot on a geodetic basis.

The program contains the initial conditions and quantitative parameters that must be satisfied in the project. The program covers general rules and design standards, establishes the functional content and purpose of the designed object, describes the process that should be organized in it, and imposes known limitations on the direction of the search for a solution. But it remains unknown how, by what means the required effect should be ensured, how the three-dimensional structure should be built, what the constructive concept should be and what the composition of the structure and its artistic image will be. This is defined in the creative act of the AP. Within the program there is a wide scope of choice of means and methods of action for the manifestation of ingenuity and creative imagination.

The student interprets the provisions of the program in accordance with the chosen line of its development; teacher at the preparatory stage encourages the student

to study the program and its individual interpretation. In some schools, a single program is being “developed” by students in the process of methodological analysis [6] a.

Issuance of the job. Conversation teacher with students. An important role in preparing the student to begin work on the topic belongs to the teacher. The head of the assignment acquaints the student with the content of the program: highlights the most significant baseline data; identifies the specifics of the processes that should occur in the structure; formulates requirements for individual elements and groups of premises, sometimes recommends the direction or limitation of the search area [7]; illustrates the program by interaction matrices; highlights problem points and argues; analyzes the proposed for the design situation; introduces students to teaching materials (not in the first lesson); indicates special literature; informs students of the work plan in stages.

Manuals and albums of student projects are considered in the research and critical plans. The conversation includes a feedback mechanism - the manager addresses the group with questions, engaging those students in active co-thinking in the direction of possible solutions, leads the student to start a pre-project analysis independently to a creative search.

Introductory lecture. An introductory lecture on design is conducted for students of the course as a whole. The selection of material depends on whether the students have read a course on the typology of buildings and to what extent the subject matter of the object is reflected in textbooks. The introductory lecture aims to give students a broad ideological aspect of the topic and information about the most significant features of this type of structure, contains the latest information on trends in the design of such objects, reflects the development of science in this area of ​​architecture. On the subject of industrial subjects, the lecture reveals the specifics of production

process, introduces modern technological equipment and

the basics of appropriate design choice.

The lecture outlines the prerequisites of urban planning decisions, the main and minor functions, the requirements of the norms and rules of design and construction. The lecture is accompanied by a demonstration of model and experimental projects with their technical and economic characteristics. The normals of the planning elements, drawings, photographs are shown, projection equipment and training films are used. The lecture acquires a problematic character: key problems are singled out from the program, theoretical concepts are put forward, contradictions are revealed. Thus, the perception of a lecture appears as a complex thought process. Preliminary familiarization of the student with the program, as a first approximation obtained from his conversation with the supervisor, allows the student to actively and meaningfully engage in the process of the lecturer's reasoning and critically evaluate the material being studied. A lecture containing problematic, activates the cognitive activity of students and contributes to the development of their own points of view on the design program,

Familiarization with the place of design. Analysis of the situation, its specific features is an important stage of the pre-project analysis. The teacher, describing the environment, notes the most significant features that may influence the development of the project plan. If possible, the student should be oriented to get acquainted with the place in kind. The study of the peculiar features of the environment - a visual analysis of the supporting buildings, the number of floors of buildings, natural conditions - is a prerequisite for an individual solution. This stimulates the cognitive activity of the student, creates a “nutrient medium” for the formation of the concept and the beginning of creativity. The assignment turns into a conversation about the prospects for joint

creative work.

Excursion. A visit to a similar object serves to involve the student in the work on the topic. The tour achieves its goal if it is conducted after the introductory lecture, assignments, and students are faced with the first difficulties in implementing the program. The purpose of the excursion is to accumulate visual impressions of the object as a whole, of the planning structure, the size of the premises, the technological process and acquaint with the operating conditions.

Guidelines for design programs . Guidelines [8] are issued simultaneously with the programs and are intended for teachers, as well as for students in order to enhance their creative independence. Guidelines reveal the specifics of the task, the main goals and objectives of the design from the standpoint of the social significance of the object. Without repeating the program, the instructions set forth requirements for the relationship between the environment and the object, the schedule of movement and the route of perception, the comfort of the internal environment, composition and artistic image. A working design plan and bibliography are given. Guidelines contain qualitative characteristics and criteria for evaluating the decision. The most important criterion on the “Arctic Center” is formulated as follows: “It is necessary to achieve the architectural expression of the regional character of the building and its consistency with the landscape of the city, as well as clarity, efficiency and economy of the overall solution.”

The study of the methodological materials of the department. Student work with teaching materials allows you to enter the topic, critically evaluate previous experience and get an incentive to start creativity.

The exposition of genuine student projects selected from the metfund and marked with diplomas and certificates serves as a professional orientation of students, aims to acquaint them with exemplary solutions, layout and graphic design.


Standards of projects. Standards are created at the department, illustrating the scope of the necessary project material for the design stages and the elements of complex development.

Methodical developments on the nodal course programs in the form of tables and albums contain carefully selected examples from domestic and foreign experience. Photos are accompanied by diagrams, annotations, indicating authors and sources.

Albums of student works contain: an introduction with a description of the program, its goals and objectives; problems of design and guidelines; systematization of projects based on a comparative analysis of planning and compositional decisions in the form of photographs with annotations.

The album of promising solutions introduces the works of students who are executed under the agreement on creative collaboration with design and research institutes.

Standard project albums, catalogs and planning normals introduce students to the practice of real design and methods of application.

The study of literature. The student receives additional information from the special literature, the work on which requires special skills of analysis and artistic taste from him. The teacher teaches the student the problem-oriented work with the literature on architecture, shows how to look at the architectural book. The student masters the skills of working with literary sources gradually and depending on the stage in which his own project is located.

When reviewing literature, an architect student sketches with links to a magazine or book, which in the design process serve to restore details to memory. This

процесс должен быть активным и стимулировать мысль, творческое воображение и фантазию, для чего одновременно с просмотромлитературы студент пытается наметить решение своей архитектурной идеи. Навык работы со специальной книгой должен достигнуть такого уровня, когда студент сможет привлекать материал, выходящий за рамки темы, исходя из понимания принципов и закономерностей структурообразования. В основе освоения материала должны лежать профессиональный критерий и формальный анализ. Работа над архитектурной книгой развивает способности понять замысел, образно-художественный строй, язык, ведущую тему произведения.

Отбор объектов свидетельствует о предпочтении одного решения другому, а отбор – это уже творчество. Студент осваивает творчество ведущих мастеров. Опыт современников и предшественников становится частью его образования, вырабатывается ценностная ориентация—уменье вычленить то, чем можно пренебречь и что соответствует его представлениям, устремлениям и эстетическим идеалам.

Внедрение технических средств информации. Коммуникативные и изобразительно-выразительные возможности новых средств информации –кино, диафильмов, телевидения, голографии, запоминающих нформационных устройств – должны шире использоваться в структуре обучения архитектуре, обогащая лекцию визуальным компонентом.

The potential of audiovisual means is great, they combine the forms of visualization - pictorial, symbolic, graphic and sound. Special programs of telecasts and film stars are able to provide methodological assistance to design, to recreate the atmosphere of search, research and problem solving in the classroom.

For architectural information, the first place in educational design is a slide show. Effective films showing the object in kind, revealing the processes occurring in

facility, equipment, communication of premises with the external environment, greenery; especially convincing showing the transformation of the premises.

Training films and a series of slides broaden the student's outlook, introducing him to the material that otherwise would not be available to him. The screen information during the pre-project phase is intended to: provide cognitive material; to provide preliminary acquaintance with the studied information in a ready-made form or on the basis of a problem task; to direct students' efforts to mental activity and creative thinking in the subsequent creative search. New media have an impact on the intellectual, emotional and volitional scope of students. An information center in an architectural institution must be equipped with modern technical means for receiving, preparing, storing and issuing information data, for which it must have a corresponding “bank” of information containing displays of books, articles, abstracts, information bulletins, express catalogs, photo libraries, indexes, typical and experimental projects [9].

The use of storage devices is associated with the need to maximize the information received with a minimum amount of time. Through the office of computer science, students and teachers get access to new information produced by research institutes, to foreign journals. The formation and development of information needs stems from the student’s overall “information culture”.

The leading role of the teacher in introducing new media is not diminished. The greatest strength of mastering knowledge is achieved by transmitting the same educational information simultaneously on four codes: picture, number, symbolic and verbal.


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Architectural design