The structure of the learning process 2.1. Model of the educational design process

  The structure of the learning process 2.1.  Model of the educational design process

The logical model of the educational process of architectural design is based on the objectives of training and contains components: teaching and learning, decision making and introducing new ideas, evaluation of creative results and mastering professional knowledge. The components are interconnected, the system is in constant motion and development. The model focuses on the mechanism of the creative process, and not on the project as an end result.

A. V. Lunacharsky distinguished between "learning" and "education." By training, he understood the direct transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the student, by education, the creative process. Architectural educational design has such favorable conditions under which the student is formed and "formed" in the process of creative activity. This joint activity contains the process of interaction between the teacher and the student.

In training, three parties are inextricably linked: the academic subject or the content of the training; teacher activity - teaching; student activities - learning. If we consider the relationship between the teacher and the student as two systems - the “regulator” (teacher) and the “regulated object” (student), then we can imagine their mutual relations as the action of one system on another through direct and inverse connections. The learning process is the interaction of systems, in which one of them manages changes in the other system, determines the nature, direction and pace of these changes. The structure of learning is fully disclosed when included in the relationship of the teacher and the student object design. Then the process of teaching architectural design will be a closed chain of interaction between the teacher, student and the designed object.


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Architectural design